Top 3 Mice Glue Traps, and the Best Technique to Eliminate Mice from Your House

Inga Cryton

There’s nothing as devastating as having mice inside your house. You’ve probably tried several methods to battle them in vain.

Here I suggest the best mice glue traps with different brands for your consideration. This article explains the use of these products for eliminating unwanted pests. Read on to discover more about this technique.

Our Recommended Top 3 Best Glue Traps for Mice Comparison Table

Our #1 Rated
Tomcat Mouse Glue Traps with Eugenol review
Tomcat Mouse Glue Traps with Eugenol
  • Material: Plastic
  • Dimensions: 3″ x 4½″

Check Price
JT Eaton Stick-Em Mouse Size Pre-Baited Glue Traps review
JT Eaton Stick-Em Mouse Size Pre-Baited Glue Traps
  • Material: Plastic
  • Dimensions: 3″ x 4″

Check Price
Catchmaster Professional Strength Mouse Glue Boards review
Catchmaster Professional Strength Mouse Glue Boards
  • Material: Cardboard paper
  • Dimensions: 3½″ x 7″

Check Price

What are the Best Glue Traps for Mice in March, 2025? – Buyer’s Guide

Are you in dire need to achieve a mice-free home? Well, this article will offer great tips to accelerate the mice eradication process. We understand your discomfort of living in a mice-infested house as well as the frustrations brought about by their destructive habits. As such, we’ve filtered the best information to raise your elimination chances significantly. If you need to rid your house of these rodents, then follow the guidelines given herein, on the best glue traps application process, to the letter. You will learn how to ensure efficiency when using sticky devices as well as its merits and demerits. The information herein is all that you’ve been looking for to resolve the mice menace entirely!

What Makes Glue Traps So Popular and Easy to Use: Reviews

There’re several benefits associated with the use of glue traps. Homeowners prefer a poison-free trap due to the minimal risks involved. The reviews below explain the preference.

Are you confused about selecting the most appropriate glue trap for use in your house? Well, you’re not alone! The majority of the homeowners have expressed their frustrations in picking the best device from the numerous available brands.

We’ll review common glue traps to help you compare and contrast the benefits. You should critically analyze the reviews to determine the best device for you.


1. Tomcat with Eugenol – Best Mice Glue Traps for Unheated Places (Editor’s Choice)

This renowned manufacturer identifies with some of the most popular brands. A substantial proportion of the Tomcat mouse trap users have reported positive results with mice eradication. You should note that this trap is specially designed for mice eradication.

Consider the following benefits to determine its mice-extermination potential:


  • It’s an Easy-to-Use Trap. Tomcat designed this product without adhesive stickers to remove before use. As such, you need to remove the package, unfold the trap, and place it in a strategic place.


  • Availability of Eugenol Formulation. It can be devastating for you when you want to use a trap in unheated areas where the temperatures are too low. Tomcat designed a glue trap with a natural antifreeze (Eugenol). The addition of this product ensures that you use the product in winter comfortably. The device maintains its stickiness even at up to -7.5 degrees Celsius.


  • Non-Toxic Nature. The product is safe for use inside your house. The glue substance is harmless to children and pets. It is a critical element to consider when you’re choosing the trap to use since the safety of your family should always come first.


While the Tomcat glue trap offers immense benefits to homeowners, it gives individuals with mice phobia a hard time in removing the trap from the house with the trapped mouse intact.

Place the glue trap


2. JT Eaton Mouse Size – Stick-Em Pre-Baited Peanut Butter Glue Traps for Mice

This device comes with peanut butter bait to attract the mice towards it. JT Eaton was designed as a tray comprising two traps. As such, curious mice may decide to jump over the trap only for it to be captured by the second trap in the row.

Other benefits include:


  • It’s baited. On top of the sticky glue, this device has a peanut size bait which significantly increases its efficiency relative to plain glue traps.


  • Non-Toxic. All the components used in the manufacture of this trap are safe for use inside the house. You shouldn’t fear that your children’s safety will be compromised!


  • Easily Available. This product can be obtained from your nearest pest control store at relatively affordable prices.


For the JT Eaton glue trap to work optimally, you’re required to set several traps. Ensure that you identify the frequently used route to accelerate the elimination rate.


3. Catchmaster Professional Strength – Best Budget Sticky Board Mice Glue Traps

Like the other products outlined above, this product is non-toxic, and you can obtain it from both physical and online stores.

The device comes in a board form as opposed to the tray which, according to homeowners’ reviews, has a slightly higher success rate. It becomes sticky during the summer. During this season, it can be challenging to pull the glue trap from the package. The process, however, eases when you place it in a freezer for approximately 10 minutes.

Catchmaster glue boards are less useful in an outdoor setup, but if you need to control mice outside your house, check the best outdoor mouse trap for helpful information.

Homemade Glue Traps

Have you always doubted the potential of DIY methods of eliminating mice? Well, the truth is that when homemade mouse traps are correctly constituted, they function optimally thus helping you save on purchasing cost.

You have two options:

  1. Make your glue at home.
  2. Buy ready-to-use glue from doing it yourself stores.

How to Make Glue at Home

This process is simple and inexpensive. It involves using various sticky substances to prepare the glue that is applied on the hardboard to form the trap. When selecting the material to use, you should ensure that it doesn’t dry to guarantee stickiness for a long time.

You can follow the following procedure:

  1. Glue in the bowlPour corn syrup into a pot and add water. Using a wooden spoon, stir to obtain a homogenous mixture then place the bowl on a stove burner while stirring frequently. Once the mixture reduces to approximately 60% of the original volume, remove the pot from the fire and allow it to cool for around 15 minutes. After the time elapses, the glue is ready for use!
  2. You’ll require a wooden or rubber spatula to spread the mixture on a board uniformly. Ensure that the layer is moderately thick to improve its performance. Once you achieve this, place the trap in a strategic place. It’s recommended that you set it vertically along the wall where the mice frequently pass.

Buying Ready-to-Use Glue

If you can rarely find time to prepare the glue at home, you can buy it from doing it yourself stores around your locality. There are several brands including Tomcat, Tanglefoot, Catchmaster, and TackTrap.

Once you purchase the products, you’ll need to apply a relatively thick layer of the sticky substance on a surface of your choice. Scope the glue using a plastic spoon or a liquid soap-coated knife. After you’re through with the spreading, you should place the trap in a convenient place and wait for the results!

Amazing Fact
Mice travel along the walls and adjacent to other edges. It’s thus crucial to place your traps in strategic locations to increase elimination chances.

Home Depot

Home Depot stocks a wide variety of glue traps. You’ll require to either physically visit the stores or purchase the products online through their website. There’re numerous benefits that homeowners obtain when they buy products from Home Depot. The primary advantage is the ability to read reviews of other homeowners on a specific brand. This benefit coupled with the availability of almost all the brands helps you to make an informed decision and purchase the best product for use at your home.

How long can a mouse survive in a glue trap? A stuck mouse will die in a few hours from lethargy. Mice have fast metabolic rates which require constant eating. As such, you’re unlikely to get the mouse alive when you go check the traps.

How to Get the Most from Your Traps

The efficiency of these devices is dependent on the proper application and the choice of location. It’s paramount that you study the mice’s behavior and determine the ideal location to place the traps. The rodents stay close to their nests, usually not more than 10-25 feet away. For this reason, you should put these devices in regions where mice activities are apparent.

Best Bait for Mice Glue Traps

An ideal bait should lure the mice in for a taste and ensure that the rodents don’t take it without getting trapped. Mice like high-calorie sweets, natural seeds, and fatty foods, so it’s recommended that you use baits that are irresistible to the mice. The most used baits include marshmallows, soft cheese, chocolate, nuts, gumdrops, and peanut butter.

You’ll need to stick a pinch of these baits on the glue traps to attract the mice to the location. It’s crucial to point out that reviews from most homeowners indicate that peanut butter is the most preferred bait due to its high success rate.

Peanut butter for glue trap

Tips on Using

Proper use of these devices is the surest method of getting rid of these stubborn rodents.

Below are several tips on the use of glue traps:


  • Use Peanut Butter as a Bait. The most crucial determinant of success when using this product is the response of the rodents to the presence of the trap. Ensure that you use this attractive bait to lure the mice to the trap.
  • Set Several Traps in the House. The manufacturers recommend that you set at least two traps in a single room. They should be at most 2.5 cm apart to ensure that once a mouse escapes the first trap, it gets trapped by the second one.


  • Use Stickiness-Enhanced Traps During Winter. Most glue traps have a freezing point of -7.5 Degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the glue becomes non-sticky and consequently loses its potency. Fortunately for you, there exist Eugenol-Enhanced traps which ensure that the device maintains its potency even at low temperatures.
  • Ensure a clean, dust-free environment. Dirt contributes to the trap’s loss of potency, and you should, therefore, ensure a clean environment to achieve the desired results.


The surest way to catch a mouse using these devices is by ensuring that you correctly place them within reach of the rodents. Ensure that you set bait in the trap to attract them. Also, you should study the movement patterns of the rodents to make an informed decision on where and when to place the traps.

How to Get a Mouse Out of a Sticky Trap?

You require heavy gloves to remove the stuck mouse successfully. If the rodent isn’t dead, you may decide to pull the trap and the stuck mouse and then dispose them into the trash bin. You’ll then place a new trap.

If the mouse is dead, you can pull it out of the trap and then dispose of it. You can reuse the trap; the smell of the mice on the trap may attract more rodents leading to more deaths!

What to Do If Mice Avoid the Traps?

It can be frustrating when you feel the presence of the mice in the house, yet the traps you’ve set seem unhelpful.

Use gloves to avoid transferring your scent to the traps.

Several factors contribute to the mice avoiding the traps.

To help you seal these loopholes, follow these guidelines:


  • Transfer the trap. It’s likely that the trap isn’t strategically set along the rodent’s runway. If no mouse has been trapped by the fourth day, you should further investigate their movements by checking their droppings and signs of urination. Set the traps where you’re sure that the mice will access.
    Place the board


  • Use a Glue Board. If you’ve been using a glue tray, you should consider using a relatively flat board to avoid suspicion by the mice.
    Glue board


Sticky Traps and My Pets

Pets cleaningWhen your favorite pet is accidentally trapped, you need not panic. It’ll just be fine! Take the trap cautiously to avoid being bitten and spray the adherent with vegetable oil. The oil acts as a lubricant which allows you to pull the pet from the tail side quickly. It will slide off the trap allowing you to rescue it to safety.

Sticky devices do not contain any harmful elements. The working mechanism involves incapacitating the rodents which lead to their death resulting from lethargy and dehydration. The only risk that exists in your pet being trapped by the glue. It can, however, be rescued and continue living.


The trap you choose to use depends on your needs. Different rodents have varying trap requirements. In this case, you’ll need to select the best trap to eliminate the mice as guided herein.

Which glue trap is the best for my situation? Unlike other pests, rodents require a relatively thick glue layer to guarantee efficiency. If you’re making the trap at home, ensure that you include the appropriate depth of the adhesive layer. Also, it’s crucial to determine the weather conditions. If it’s icy, you can use Tomcat with Eugenol brand or any other brand containing a stickiness-enhancer.

Are you in need of eliminating mice using a cheap and easy-to-use method? If so, you should consider the use of sticky traps that can easily be produced at home. Ensure that you follow all the guidelines outlined herein to achieve the desired results.


About the author

Inga Cryton is a pest control expert based in Wichita, Kansas, with a passion for helping others protect their homes. Through, she shares effective and humane pest management strategies for a variety of critters.

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12 thoughts on “Top 3 Mice Glue Traps, and the Best Technique to Eliminate Mice from Your House”

  1. If you don’t like to stick them to glue, and you are sick of half-solutions, what you need is a final solution. So why not just exterminate them? You can tell folks you just sent them off to Pail-estine! Yes, you build your mouse a camp out of – you guessed it – a pail and a skewer with two beer cans providing a rolling log type surface, suspended over water. You can call it, i dunno, say – Mouschwitz. When you’ve caught them all, be sure to bury them in the woods, preferably somewhere near the Polish border. And there you have it, a final solution to the mouse question in your house!

  2. I have mouse traps every single brand every where why aren’t I catching them? My husband was an exterminator at 1 time I can’t get a cat unfortunately I do have a dog he caught 1.

  3. I purchased 12 humane catch and release” traps. I bated them with peanut butter, nuts, seeds… placed in areas where I found droppings and I even had seen a field mouse roaming in my home. Traps did NOTHING! Then I spent $$$ on electronic zapper traps, batteries, peanut butter, strategic placement… this should work!!! It’s a fast death… again, nothing!!! I HATE the idea of torturing any living creature… but I am at my last resort. Ii am purchasing the glue traps and will be heartbroken for having tortured a rodent but I can’t live with these pests. I will not use poison because I have pets and I don’t want them eating the dead mouse and getting ill or anything worse. As a young kid, I bought a pet mouse. I loved him. He loved me. It breaks my heart, but these uninvited pests in my home are now living in my walls and chewing up wiring. “Til death do us part”… maybe I’ll need therapy after this, but I am at my wits end. I’ll deal with the karma later.

  4. I am all for the glue traps. Mice are disgusting pests and can cause disease. Call this 101 on killing mice if you want, but I for one will be placing glue traps and poison where I feel there is possible mouse activity. Let Matt live with his infestation. I for one will not. I actually caught one last night with the first cool weather of the season. Yes, I put it in the trash.

  5. There are such things as no-kill traps. I have seen a mouse struggling on a glue trap and it is not nice. Use humane devices.

  6. There’re nasty dirty rodents that don’t need to be in clean house, Get a life if anyone thinks these nasty critters should live!!!

  7. Ignore Matt’s comment. This was informative. When you have 6 children and the mice are eating their food, it’s them that’ll go. I will be trying some of these tips, thank you. Wish me luck!

    • “Informative”. It’s a 101 guide on how to torture an animal. You don’t throw a living animal stuck on glue in the trash, not only is that cruel but it’s against the law. Would you catch a fox in a cage and starve it to death? No? Then why would you do it to a rat?

    • Yes, I agree that animals shouldnt be left to suffer. But, when you have a rodentphobia, ie. the sight of one sends my heart through the roof, that battering one with a slipper is instant death. So no, they dont suffer. I realised the disease they spread, the viruses that kill your kidneys etc etc etc, earns them the title of vermin. They have a place in along with vultures, crows etc of returning tissue to nature, but mice have no part in that….an annoying aberration. The noise they make, for a person with a phobic response, is something I cant adequately describe. Filfthy beasts!

  8. Glue traps are disgusting and inhumane. And they don’t take a “few hours to die”, it can take longer than a day for them to die. They suffer horrendous injuries trying to get off, including chewing their own legs to escape. You don’t even advise people how to humanely deal with an animal that’s still alive on these traps, you tell them to simply throw them in the trash to suffer and die slowly.

    This is a repulsive article. You shouldn’t be encouraging people to torture animals.

    • Easy to dispose of. Take the trap with the mouse and put it in a plastic bag. Take bag outside and smash it with a shovel. Mouse is instantly dispatched to the hereafter and no longer suffering.
