How to Eliminate Mice Using Scaring Away Tactics: Discover the Do’s and the Don’t Necessary to Scare Mice Away

Inga Cryton

Are you frustrated by the failure of traps and poison baits to eliminate mice from your house efficiently? Mice are witty creatures that devise creative tactics to dodge the traps you set for them. If you’re devastating, you needn’t give up on them! Instead, you should use different tactics to scare the stubborn rodents away from your house. The small creatures are highly sensitive and they will detect danger fast. When death becomes imminent, they will vacate your house quickly to look for safer areas. The scaring methods work on both driving mice away as well as preventing them from freshly infesting your house. This article offers critical tips on how to scare the mice away.


How to Scare a Mouse

Mice are a primary safety threat when they infest your house. They multiply quickly which can lead to an infestation. Also, they present a high health risk since they carry disease-causing agents that may lead to fatal illnesses. As such, you should make it a priority to eliminate them from your house for guaranteed health safety as well as to protect your valuables from the destruction associated with the rodents.

Mice are scared away by several things including the strong sounds and smells of their predators. If you introduce these scarring factors into your house, you can be sure you’ll have a mouse-free house. The electronic mouse deterrents produce sonic and ultrasonic waves that irritate the mice. When they can no longer stand the sounds, they’ll vacate your house completely.

No More Mice
No More Mice

When using the sound gadgets, you should ensure that you fulfill the following to assure a successful elimination mission:


  • Study the movement patterns of the mice. The location of the devices determines the success level of the process. You should study the routes of these rodents and place the gadgets in areas where they are frequent. Ensure that you place several gadgets to enhance efficacy.


  • Plug in two to three repellents into the socket. The higher the level of noise, the quicker the elimination process will be. The manufacturer recommends that you use several units in a large room to increase the frequency of the sounds. Always ensure that you strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to achieve the best results. While the sounds are of high frequency, they are never a nuisance to humans!


The devices produce high-frequency waves above the human hearing range.

You should combine the use of the sound device with another elimination method. You must use different methods concurrently to enhance the elimination chances. You may decide to keep a cat inside the house, using the best mouse traps or any other natural ways to keep mice away. This helps you eradicate the mice before they adapt to the ultrasound sounds from the electronic devices.


Mice are afraid of sonic and ultrasonic sounds. The devices produce high-frequency waves that they find irritating and uncomfortable. As a result, the mice will migrate away from the house assuring you of a mouse-free house.

High pitch sound 9HrsThe effectiveness of these sounds has, however, been questioned. When the mice are frequently exposed to the sounds, they may become used to them which makes it extremely difficult to use the devices successfully in the future. Also, the sounds may not penetrate through the walls and other furniture inside the house. This further reduces its efficacy, especially when handling mice within the walls of your house.

The mice are also scared by sounds produced by their predators. They can identify cats’ meows and dogs’ barks from afar. Once they detect the sounds, they will quickly alert fellow mice through suggestive high-pitch sounds and run for safety.

Can I Scare Mice With Noise?

Mice will only be scared of noise when it is presented in relatively high frequency. The normal noise that can be heard by the human ear does not scare mice away. However, different manufacturers have made devices that produce noise that mimics the mice’s predators, some of which are electronically charged while others use a battery. They produce sounds akin to those produced by cats, owls, dogs, or snakes depending on your preference.

What Are Mice Afraid of?

Mice are highly scared of their predators including cats and snakes. Even if a mouse has never seen a given predator, it’ll cowardly turn away when it detects its presence. Scientists believe that the mice can smell a specific protein in their predator’s urine which makes them respond by hiding or moving away from the danger zone. Additionally, these rodents have a strong sense of smell attributed to two organs; the nose and the vomeronasal organ (VNO) located inside their noses. While the VNO is primarily useful in detecting other mouse’s pheromones, it contributes to their strong sense of smell significantly.

The following predators will scare mice away from your house completely:

  • Cat. A mouse can detect a cat from afar even when it has never met this particular predator before. You should capitalize on the fear that these rodents have against the cat to entirely rid your house of the mice. Read more here.
  • Dogs. Mice are scared of dogs and they will do everything they can to keep off the fierce predator. What’s best about them is the fact that they can be trained to attack the mice and protect your territory. They’re highly loyal and guarantee full-time control of mice within your compound. Also, they are dogs that are bred to specifically help you in fighting the mice infestation menace.
    The breeds recommended for this assignment include the Jack Russell Terriers, Cairn terriers, Papillon, and Dachshunds. You should visit the nearest dog breeder for more information on the ideal breed to keep mice under control around your home.
    Infographic: Dog Breeds that keep mice away

You should ensure that the mice do not access the dog’s kennel to prevent a situation where the dog develops mice phobia. The fear of mice may result from their continuous harassment and, in extreme cases, instances of biting that may occur when the dog is asleep. It’s, therefore, not uncommon to find a dog that’s fearful of mice! When this happens, you can restore its confidence by training it afresh on how to keep mice out of your home.

Field Mice Predators

Field mice primarily live out in the fields. They only enter your house during winters. As such, their predators are primarily found outside the house.

They include:

  1. Snakes. Mouse caught by a snakeThe rattling of snakes instills immense fear in these rodents. The reptile has an extraordinary ability to hunt the field mice and never misses its pursuit! While a majority of people do not domesticate snakes, they are few individuals who keep them as pets. If you are not one of them, you shouldn’t worry. The natural environment of the field mice may allow small field snakes to hunt and capture the rodents.

    While the snakes are ideal for keeping mice at bay, they can be highly venomous and their bites may result in death. As such, you should always keep your yard clean and avoid long grass to prevent snake infestation. If you decide to domesticate the snakes, you should follow all the guidelines provided by the wildlife and veterinary department to eliminate all the dangers.
  2. Owls. Mouse catched by owlThese creatures are nocturnal which makes them the best to handle the nocturnal field mice. They catch and feed on the rodents thus reducing their population significantly.

When using the predators as mice elimination method, you should consider using other methods including traps and poisonous baits to enhance efficacy. Read more about various humane ways to get rid of mice here.

Best Ways to Scare Mice Out of My House

There are numerous methods that you can apply to scare mice away from your house. You must note that each method has several benefits and limitations. Before you choose the method to apply, you should critically evaluate all the factors to determine the best method to apply in your home. If need be, you can always combine two or more methods depending on severity. Some methods such as electronic sound repellents may not be entirely sufficient to get rid of the mice entirely. The inadequacy results from the ability of the mice to adjust and adapt to the sounds produced.

The use of cats and dogs to scare mice away may be a better strategy due to their reliability and cost-effectiveness. Cat and mouseThese pets can be trained to suit the need of the user which make them highly efficient in catching mice and instilling fear in them. While you are likely to use a high amount of resources in feeding and maintaining the pets, they will reward you generously and offer a guarantee of a mouse-proof house.

While mice can be a nuisance and the immediate idea that cross your mind is killing them, it’s always worthy to try out other methods. One such method is scaring them away! Use the different methods discussed herein to create a mouse-proof environment in your home.

Questions & Answers

Why Are Mice So Scary?

Mice are scaryThe fear of mice is common among the majority of homeowners. The musophobia is largely psychological. It is disturbing, for most people, to see a creature moving fast in a region that they didn‘t expect. The fear is predominant among women. Once you spot the mice moving fast, it takes longer to internalize what you‘ve seen, than it takes to have a visceral response. This phenomenon results in a quick scream and sudden withdrawal which may be represented by taking a few steps back or even running away!rnrnAlso, some homeowners loathe the thought of mouse droppings, urine, and the health risk associated with the mice. They fear that the presence of rodents may result in costly health issues which makes them squeak at their sight.

Do Rabbits Eat Mice?

Rabbits primarily feed on vegetables and hard matter in form of pellets. As a result, mice may hang around the hutch to get a share of the rabbits‘ food. While the rabbit may not eat the mouse, it can kill it. The rabbits are strongly built with hind kicks that can destroy the rodents immediately. However, rabbits are largely peaceful and it is thus unlikely that they will kill the mice unless they are provoked. In cases where the rabbits kill mice, they do not eat them.

About the author

Inga Cryton is a pest control expert based in Wichita, Kansas, with a passion for helping others protect their homes. Through, she shares effective and humane pest management strategies for a variety of critters.

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