Making Homemade Mouse Poison: How to Do It And What to Expect

Inga Cryton

Mice are a big nuisance in many ways. They can get into your house through small spaces you had no idea existed, they can hide, and they’re quick. They also reproduce quickly and in big numbers, meaning your infestation can get out of control quickly. And to top it all off, mice chew up electronic wiring and furniture, and carry nasty diseases you don’t want any part of. So what do you do? There are traps and repellents out there you could consider, but there’s also poison. Although there’s many different products available to buy, you might not want to spend money on them. Use these recipes and concoctions to make homemade mouse poison on the cheap.


The Different Ways You Can Make Mouse Poison

Some may think that all pest poisons come in liquid form, or perhaps granules. But that’s not the case. In fact, poisons can be powder, pastes, and even semi-solids. Most mouse poisons don’t use only one ingredient, but several, using a deadly poisonous element mixed with something delicious to entice them.

Why is poison a good idea?

If you don’t want to kill the mice giving you trouble, you’ll want to use a trap-and-release device. To kill them, poisons are a good idea because you can make it for cheap, and in large quantities, meaning that you can get more coverage in your home to ensure maximum damage.

There are many different poison products available, so which one should you pick? Tomcat mouse poison has shown to be an effective option. Go here for more details.

Some interesting recipes

When it comes to homemade mouse poisons, there are many to choose from.

Some recipes you might consider include:

  • Plaster of Paris: Plaster of ParisThis recipe uses plaster of Paris, a white powder made from gypsum cement. It dries hard and is often used for molds and casts. When you mix it with something that’s enticing to the mice, they’ll ingest it, and when the plaster mixes with water in the mouse’s stomach, it will harden in their digestive tract and kill them. Common ingredients you can mix with plaster of Paris are peanut butter, sugar, or cornmeal. Mix into a dough and roll into balls, then leave in areas you think mice might be.

    Many natural ingredients are as poisonous to mice as chemicals.
  • Potato flakes: Potato flakesMashed potatoes have nutrients and flavor that mice love, and instant potato flakes happen to be a great option for poison. What happens is that when mice ingest them, once water is introduced, it will expand in their stomachs to the point that it bursts open and kills them. Mix them with another poisonous agent like plaster of Paris or cement – you could add sugar, as well, to make it even tastier.
  • Aspartame: AspartameThis substance has been known to kill mice. Pour a couple packets in with a tablespoon of peanut butter and roll into balls, and be careful not to make it too sticky, as mice are likely to eat more of it if it’s smoother.

Besides the poisonous agent, mix-ins are an important part of homemade mouse poison.

Some good ones to choose from include:

  • Peanut butter: Peanut butterDo mice like peanut butter? Click this to find out. Contrary to popular belief, mice love peanut butter even more than cheese. Use it as a mix-in to roll into balls and mask the scent of the poisonous ingredients.
  • Chicken broth: Chicken brothChicken is hearty and delicious, and something mice love. When you’re mixing your poison’s ingredients, you could try chicken broth as your binding agent, if the recipe calls for liquid.
  • Sugar: SugarMice are attracted to sugar and can smell it in food and pantries. Add it to powdered ingredients to hide any scent of things like plaster of Paris or cement. Chocolate is a common sugary ingredient you could use, as well.

Liquid or powdered poisons aren’t the only option out there. Pellets are something used for rodents that are convenient and easy. For more information on mouse poison pellets, click here.

Where to put it

So you’ve got a recipe, and now you’ve made it. Whether it’s balls, powder, or paste, the next step is to know where to put it.

Something about mice is that they tend to take the same path in and out of their hiding place and around your home. If you find droppings, try and notice the general path of where they’re located. You might see mice running around. Put your homemade poisons in these areas to have the best chance of the pests being exposed to it.

The Best Homemade Killer You Can Think Of

You don’t want to just have a good poison, you want the best. So what makes a certain recipe better than others? You’ll want ingredients that work in a quick manner in small quantities, considering mice tend to take smaller bites at a time, and something that’s desirable enough that it’s too irresistible to pass up.

If you’re looking to buy some good poison, consider a home improvement store that specializes in everything that you’ll need for your house, including pest control.


CementSimilar to plaster of Paris, cement dries into hard concrete. Mix it into a recipe using desirable filler ingredients to attract the mice, then roll into balls. You can even coat them in finely crushed peanuts or chocolate to make it more tasty. Make sure the balls aren’t too big, or the mice might not be able to get their mouths into it enough.

Make sure that when you create your mouse poison, you don’t just set it out and then forget about it. Because mice are elusive and crafty, they might not come up to your homemade poison while it’s fresh, and if the mixture is too old, they’ll pass on it. This is especially true if you’re using plaster of Paris or cement, as the ingredients can slowly harden if left long enough. Check your poison daily and replace it every 2-3 days to ensure the best results.

The reason cement powder is so effective is that it dries even harder than plaster or Paris, and can harden quick enough to produce certain death. Peanut butter and sugar are very good fillers to mix in with cement, as it’s sticky enough to form into balls, with not too much liquid that hardens the cement too quickly.

If there are so many great mouse poisons, what makes one better than another? You’re not going to want just a good one, you want the best. Go here for more details on the best mouse poison.

Using Baking Soda as a Weapon

Surprisingly enough, baking soda is a great mouse killer. One of the substance’s properties is that once it mixes with stomach acid, it breaks down and produces carbon dioxide gas as a biproduct. In humans, the gas our food and natural body processes produce moves through our digestive system and is able to exit. In rodents, however, they aren’t capable of expelling gasses like we can. Because of this, gas from the baking soda builds up more and more until it bursts their stomachs and/or intestines, killing them.

Mice aren’t going to eat plain old baking soda, so you’ll have to mix it with something.

Go ahead and try one of these recipes:

  1. Baking soda and peanut butter: Mix equal parts baking soda and peanut butter and roll into little balls, then place around your home for the rodents to find.
  2. Flour and sugar: This recipe stays as a powder that’s especially sweet and enticing. Mix in equal parts sugar and flour with the baking soda, then place in a shallow dish for the mice to find.
  3. Chocolate: If you mix cocoa powder in with the baking soda, it can provide the sweet scent enough for a mouse to be attracted to. Stir equal parts baking soda, cocoa powder, and some sugar together, then leave as a powder or stir some peanut butter in to roll into balls.

So if you’ve got a problem with mice, just know there’s a way out. And it doesn’t have to be through store-bought poisons and traps; it can be straight from your kitchen. Homemade mouse poison has shown to be effective and a great DIY option for getting rid of the annoying rodents crawling around your house.

About the author

Inga Cryton is a pest control expert based in Wichita, Kansas, with a passion for helping others protect their homes. Through, she shares effective and humane pest management strategies for a variety of critters.

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30 thoughts on “Making Homemade Mouse Poison: How to Do It And What to Expect”

  1. Following up on the reason I had to make a trap, it was a clever mouse, it wouldn’t eat some of the methods you mention above or drink soda pop, but it did drink the soda once it was flat, I tried a few poisons, even bicarbonate of soda, to no results, so making the trap was the only way to get rid of it, after finding out it ate a full bag of popcorn, hope this helps, Regards Darren,

  2. Hi, here’s an idea, I made a mouse trap that didn’t kill them, I got a tall plastic bin, placed a length of wood, similar to a ruler, at its balance point on the worktop, placed bait at the end of the wood resting over the bin, it actually worked, the mouse ran up the wood, which caused it to fall into the bin taking the mouse with it, I then released the mouse back into the wild away from where I live, thank you,

  3. Just a heads-up:

    If you have pets, like dogs, don’t put the poison anywhere they could get the poison or the poisoned mice.
    Write down where you put the poison, and when you put it out. Make sure it’s all removed before you let your pets back in that area.
    Better to be overprotective than not protective enough.

  4. This is so cruel to such a cute, soft, cuddly little varmint. Maybe we should just love them to death. We could hug them, and squeeze them, and give them names

  5. Thank you for the article, I appreciate it. I wish i would have known this growing up. After review of all these comments and the article. I believe I have a better way to handle this. I don’t want the smells.

  6. Much like how animals defend their territory by violent actions, I shall do so as well. Death to all unwanted visitors. Death to mice, shit in my closet will you well just you wait, this next pile of sugar that I bought will be your last!

    • That’s the problem with using poison. Mice will die in their nests. The smell will linger for two to three weeks.

      You could use a thermal imaging camera to locate the nest and cutting a hole in the sheetrock/drywall/etc to physically remove the rodents as well as the nest. The only problem with this is thermal cameras are expensive, but not as expensive than having to replace wiring or tearing apart your entire house.

  7. Mice are very cute. I never look at them, just like I do not look at the deer that jump in front of my car when I am driving at 55mph down the highway.

      • All she’s saying is that one doesn’t need to be cruel to get rid of the problem. She’s not saying ‘don’t kill them’, she’s saying find a more humane way to do it – and I agree with her.

    • I’ve tried everything to get rid of mice of which it is now a bit infestation and I can’t afford the 200 pounds for a rodent exterminator to come to my house so I’m trying this method so I don’t have to wake up to a disgusting small of mice urine and feaces all over my kitchen workflow and cooker…

    • This is true, and, what shall we do when the mice stop falling for our humanely ways. It is also false that all poisons are inhumane, a lot of poisons kill them fast. If you want to talk about humane, lets talk about people using cement

  8. This is evil and inhumane. The mouse will suffer terribly when the plaster of paris hardens or when its stomach bursts. There are more humane ways of dealing with mice. No one wants them in their house, but wow, to torture them to death? That is disgusting.

      • Amy: okay well enjoy it when the bastards chew your wires and burn your house down and wipe you and yours out – is that better for you Karen?

    • yeah and so is all the disease that mice bring into your house , for your children to get . Unfortunately the world is not all hand-holding , koombaya singing lets hug a tree and believe that hugs will solve the worlds ills … unfortunately sometimes you just have to do what needs doing . Maybe just maybe get yourself a man , and let a man do a mans job . Its why we are made with less emotional range , so we can kill to protect , sometimes m’lady rough men are needed to keep rthe wolf from your door . Or in this case A couple young boys are neecded to keep the mouse from your door , or u can becopme that “crazy” mouse lady , that your neighbours will just ADORE !!!

  9. hi i did this and when there is no activity on the container i hope they have died off
    i live on a farm and they run amok in my oathay which i feed to my horses, i also dont want poison as i have owls and it just would not be fair
    i now have a RAT that i am going to get grrrrrr
    so in short yes i do believe it works
