How to Repel Crows: Successful Strategy Options and Effective Crow Control Products

Inga Cryton

Got crows on your property? It’s time to keep them away with our useful tips and affordable crow control products. When crows become pest birds – causing damage to your house – we have a wide variety of excellent methods and products that work for all types of crow problems.

Read and learn effective crow control options that are safe for humans and can keep these noisy large birds away. Take control over crows before these birds do it. Learn about best-selling products – deterrents, repellents, visual deterrents, and ultrasonic devices – that can make your crow control much more effective.

Crows: Basic Information

Crows are large, jet-black, intelligent birds – with loud, hoarse voices – that are frequently seen in every sort of environment and living situation. These smart birds are native throughout North America and can be found on any continents worldwide except Antarctica and the southern area of South America.

Some crows live to the age of twenty.

The nesting period of crows can last up to 40 days. Young crows often help nesting pairs protect the nest and feed nestlings.

Roosting and Feeding Habits

Huge communal roosts of crowsCrows gather in huge communal roosts between 200 and thousands of individuals during non-breeding period, particularly in the winter. Usually, crows’ gatherings tend to happen near big food sources such as shopping centers and garbage dumps.

Crows may be hosts to the well-known West Nile Virus.
If you have several dead crows on your property, don’t touch them. Notify wildlife or health authorities for proper disposal.

Crows’ diet is very diverse. They can eat almost anything, including other birds, nuts, fruits, mollusks, seeds, earthworms, frogs, nestlings, eggs, mice, and carrion.

Problems with Crows

Crows problemsCrow species are very adaptable due to their intelligence. These black birds frequently cause damage to property and crops, strew trash and transfer disease.

Although crows are protected in the U.S., control of the species is allowed in certain areas where they are regarded as nuisance birds.

Crows are well-known destroyers of corn crops with plant and fruit matter making up about 2/3 of their diet. So, how to get rid of black crows?


The Best 7 Ways on How to Get Rid of Crows from Your Property

People have always been fascinated by the strange habits of crows. From Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" to bird-watcher John James Audubon, who called them “the most intelligent of all birds”, these mysterious creatures have captivated us for centuries. But it may come as a surprise that they're also one of the most common pests in America! There are at least 45 species native to North America alone.

In this guide we'll discuss the best 7 ways you can get rid of these pesky birds from your property once and for all:

  1. Orbit Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler - Best-Selling Deterrents You Can Trust
    Step 1: Orbit Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler - Best-Selling Deterrents You Can TrustYou can use it to deter crows and large pest birds from open spaces.

    How it works: An infrared sensor detects crows when these birds are present up to thirty-five feet away. The unit releases an immediate spray of water. Crows will associate being sprayed by water with the area, and avoid this place in the future.

    Ideal for use: backyards, gardens, shorelines, patios, golf courses, pool areas, docks, parks.

    Where to use: the product is meant for outdoor use. It is easily attached to a garden hose.

    Want to amplify your crow control results? Use a multisensory approach. Treating the area with taste aversion, sound units, and visual scares is a good solution. Remember, visual deterrents like Scarecrows work great in combination with other tactics like Balloon Bird Repellent or Reflective Scare Tape products.
  2. Balloon Bird Repellent
    Step 2: Balloon Bird RepellentThe Balloon Bird Repellent is a device that scares crows away from your property. It is the perfect solution for anyone looking for an inexpensive and effective way to keep these pesky pests away from their home without harming them in any way.

    The device comes with features that mimic natural predators, such as holographic eyes that create the illusion of a predator following pest birds to attack while moving organically with the wind. It’s easy to install and requires little maintenance, so you don’t have to worry about keeping up with its upkeep.

    It has 3 different features that make it effective:


    • Feature 1
      The 3D visual scare device changes the appearance of the balloon to mimic a natural predator, making it more believable and frightening to birds.


    • Feature 2
      The wind moves the balloon as if it were flying, which increases the effects of motion on birds’ perception.


    • Feature 3
      Colors that are bright and vibrant mimic natural predators. So crows think they are being watched by an animal with teeth ready to eat them alive!


    • Safe and easy to use.
    • Does not deflate easily.
    • 3D visual scare.
    • Helps only when the crows are in view.
    • Not for extended use on a single location.
  3. Reflective Scare Tape - Best Humane Repellent to Keep Crows Away
    Step 3: Reflective Scare Tape - Best Humane Repellent to Keep Crows AwayReflective Scare Tape has the holographic effect that can repel crows using all of their senses, like:

    • Visual Scare: Crows are scared by constantly changing reflections and shadows of materials’ sheen.
    • Sound Scare: Scare Tape makes a fierce metallic noise that scares crows.
    • Physical deterrent: birds can be effectively blocked by this Scare Tape and its brackets on any surface.

    Where to use: at yards, rooftops, gardens, parks, patios, balconies, ponds, and at any open outdoor area with access to light and wind.

    Crows are capable of counting numbers and remembering human faces.
  4. 360° Bird Repeller
    Step 4: 360° Bird RepellerBird-B-Gone RPL360 is a spinning visual crow deterrent that is effectively used to prevent large birds like crows from landing. Each unit of Repeller 360° features reflective “predator eyes” and uses wind power to scare and confuse crows from coming near the protected location.

    Ideal for use in many settings: docks, dock pilings, Biminis, skylights, light posts, boats, and boat covers.

    Benefits: the product is wind-powered - no electricity needed; high wind tested and easy-to-install.

  5. Shock Tape - Unique DIY Bird Control Deterrent Device
    Step 5: Shock Tape - Unique DIY Bird Control Deterrent DeviceShock Tape is a track system that is effectively used for crow control. This electrical low-profile deterrent produces a mild electrical shock when crows and other birds land on it.

    Ideal for use: at ledges, eaves, curved surfaces, rooflines, etc.

    Benefits: effective for small and big birds, known as a flexible and humane way to deter crows.

    The product is electrical and can be dangerous if not installed correctly.
  6. Bird Stop Liquid Repellent
    Step 6: Bird Stop Liquid RepellentHow to scare away crows? Large birds such as crows often spend time in open grassy areas where predators are unable to hide. Treat such areas with taste aversion like Bird Stop or 4 The Birds.

    I suggest using Bird Stop Liquid Repellent. This is harmless and similar to our sense of smell - creates an invisible barrier that effectively irritates crows’ and other birds’ trigeminal systems. This crow repellent liquid is an excellent solution to keep crows from roosting or landing on any surface.

    Where to use: Ideal for use at oats, corn, and sunflowers, lawns, ornamental plants, pools, rooftops, sidewalks, etc.


    • Exterior use – bushes, trees, vines, etc.


    • Interior use – supports, struts, beams, etc.


    How to use: Apply to surfaces by spraying or painting them to repel crows and other birds from loitering, feeding, and landing.

    Benefits: The product is non-toxic, decreases nuisance for residents, customers, workers, and reduces health risks associated with crow infestation.

  7. Yard Sentinel - Best Ultrasonic Repeller Without Bothering Humans
    Step 7: Yard Sentinel - Best Ultrasonic Repeller Without Bothering HumansThe most frequently asked question is how to keep crows away safely and humanely? The more profound answer is as simple as that - by using silent-to-humans but effective for crow control ultrasonic sound waves.

    The ultrasonic control technology is perfect for areas where silence is preferred. It is used to confuse and disorient pest birds. Feeling the pressure of the high-frequency sound waves, pest birds like crows will quickly learn to avoid such ultrasonic-attack areas.

    For effective crow control, I suggest using Yard Sentinel Ultrasonic Repeller.

    Yard Sentinel is a humane, electronic, easy-to-use device that efficiently repels annoying crows and other birds from small outdoor areas around your property.

    Ideal for use: at driveways and carports, great for patio and balcony bird control.

    How to install: The installation is simple - the device mounts nearly anywhere.

    Benefits: Easy to use and install; motion-activated control device that covers up to 5,500 square ft.

    Then it comes to Ultrasonic sound waves, they don’t mimic natural animal sounds like well-known sonic repellent devices do.
    Instead, silent-to-humans ultrasonic sound waves annoy and irritate pest animals and are efficient against all birds - big and small - as well as small pests.

Questions & Answers

Are crows dangerous?

No. In fact, crows are helpful to farmers because they eat pests and spiders in the fields. They are an important aspect of the ecosystem, but sometimes they get a little too interested in our gardens and garbage cans.

Is it OK to kill crows?

Okay, if you don’t want crows around your garden, it’s completely fine to use lethal force for deterrence. But remember, killing them will likely lead to more crows coming along.

Well, if you want to rid your property of crows and other birds without using lethal force or chemicals, try using sound-based repellents such as Yard Sentinel.

Are crows dangerous to humans?

No, not unless you're a farmer trying to protect his crops from their ravenous appetite. Crows are one of the smartest species on Earth and likely among the most intelligent animals that we can see in our parks and backyards.

Conclusion: How to Achieve Success in Your Crow Control Efforts

Crow controlSome people prefer using electronic deterrents to control crows while others give preference to visual scares or bird gels. So, how to achieve success and get rid of these noisy, troublesome crows?

For maximum success in your crow control efforts, we recommend using a synergistic approach.
Synergy is the interaction of 2, 3, or more forces producing a combined, excellent effect that is greater and much more effective than the sum of their individual effects. It means you are to use companion products combining visual scares or taste aversions with sonic repellent devices. This approach is extremely effective in deterring crows from any area.

Getting rid of noisy and troublesome crows takes some persistence because these blackbirds tend to keep coming back. But if you will take our tips and methods into consideration, you will surely get rid of them.


About the author

Inga Cryton is a pest control expert based in Wichita, Kansas, with a passion for helping others protect their homes. Through, she shares effective and humane pest management strategies for a variety of critters.

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3 thoughts on “How to Repel Crows: Successful Strategy Options and Effective Crow Control Products”

  1. I live in UK have lovely new hanging tree for birds the crown terrorise it they threw all bird feeders on floor not happy till open and eat all food. My question is if I do any of these things will i chase of my normal birds finches, robins sparrows etc.

  2. Hi there
    I love crows.,but don t like the damage they’re doing to our vehicles..we ‘ve invested a bit in a yard sentinel / reflective tape., and a scarecrow which has I’ll effect on this one crow..
    All other cars in the neighborhood go unscathed.,
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated

  3. I used a string with at least twenty aluminum stove burner liners, and cut them into triangular shapes to string them in my back yard, and two lines failed to discourage these nuisance pests. Hope they work for cursed woodpeckers who now inhabit the area, and they cause incredible damage and are a pest. We watched one hammer a home to put a dinner-size plate hole in it, and it would not leave. Too many of these problem birds do incredible costly damage, fact. Will try fake owl statutes but it might be a waste of money.
