Best Squirrel Repellent – Your Top 7 Options!

Inga Cryton

Here are the 7 best squirrel repellent products on Amazon according to homeowners who have tried it themselves!

Top 7 Best Squirrel Repellent Products in 2025 Comparison Chart

Our Top Pick
I Must Garden Squirrel Repellent review
I Must Garden Squirrel Repellent
  • Type: Ready-to-Use Spray
  • Active ingredients: 1.25% Garlic, 0.94% Castor Oil, 0.47% Lemongrass Oil, 0.31% White Pepper, 0.23% Clove Oil, 0.23% Cedarwood Oil
  • Made in the USA

Check Price
Best Budget
Enoz No Zone Animal Repellent Stations review
Enoz No Zone Animal Repellent Stations
  • Type: Repellent Stations
  • Active Ingredient: Naphthalene
  • Made in the USA

Check Price
People's Choice
DIAOTEC Squirrel Ultrasonic Repellent review
DIAOTEC Squirrel Ultrasonic Repellent
  • Type: Ultrasonic Repeller
  • Covers up to 5,000 ft²
  • Power: DC 9V
  • Frequency Range: 25KHz-65KHz
  • Emmission Angle: 360 degree

Check Price
Mighty Mint Rodent Vehicle Protection Spray review
Mighty Mint Rodent Vehicle Protection Spray
  • Type: Ready-to-Use Spray
  • Active ingredient: 4% Peppermint Oil
  • Made in the USA

Check Price
BONIDE Repels All Animal Repellent Granules review
BONIDE Repels All Animal Repellent Granules
  • Type: Granules
  • Active ingredients: 1.12% Putrescent Whole Egg Solids, 0.54% Cloves, 0.03% Garlic Oil
  • Covers up to 2,400 ft²
  • Last up to 60 days

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Hoont Motion Activated Jet Blaster review
Hoont Motion Activated Jet Blaster
  • Type: Motion-Activated Sprinkler
  • Distance: 0-30 ft
  • Rotation/ Angle: 120°
  • Defends area: 650 ft²

Check Price
Safer Brand Critter Ridder Animal Repellent review
Safer Brand Critter Ridder Animal Repellent
  • Type: Ready-to-Use Spray
  • Active ingredients: 0.48% Oil of Black Pepper, 0.185% Piperine, 0.032% Capsalcin
  • Last up to 30 days

Check Price

Squirrels are cute, but they can be a nuisance. They eat your plants and dig up your garden.

Of course, you don’t want to kill or hurt them, but you also don’t want them in your yard. It’s hard to find the right squirrel repellent product that works for you without harming the animals too much.

I’ve done all the research for you so that you can spend less time looking and more time enjoying it! The best way to prevent this kind of destruction is by using a good quality repellent product. But which one should you choose? You’re in the right place, and below you’ll find reviews for seven different products that homeowners love!

Top 7 Best Squirrel Repellents Reviewed

After much research, some products stand out more than others. And the winner is I Must Garden Squirrel Repellent.


1. I Must Garden Squirrel Repellent – Best Non-Chemical Natural Squirrel Repellent Spray (Editor’s Choice)

I am a very proud owner of I Must Garden Natural Squirrel Repellent. As someone who loves to garden, I found that it was hard to enjoy the benefits of my yard because of all the squirrels that would come and eat everything in sight! Now, thanks to this product, I can rest assured knowing that they will stay away from my gardens and trees!

How Does It Work

This repellent is a perfect option to get rid of squirrels in your garden. It is an all-natural formula with proprietary blended essential oils that repel squirrels by smell and taste for maximum effectiveness against those pesky critters!


  • 1.25% Garlic
  • 0.94% Castor Oil


  • 0.47% Lemongrass Oil
  • 0.31% White Pepper


  • 0.23% Clove Oil
  • 0.23% Cedarwood Oil


As the ingredients are safe, they are not registered as many toxic formulas. This ECO-friendly solution can be freely used everywhere around your family and pets without any worries.

The product doesn’t harm the environment and doesn’t feature unpleasant scents, like in the case with most commercial products on today’s market. You can buy a spray of 1 gal or 32 oz. I Must Garden is made in America, as well, which is great since you know your money is going to a good cause.

How to Use

Use it when pests are digging flower beds or pots. When squirrels are chewing and eating, use a liquid ready-to-use formula of essential oils to stop animals from ruining your outdoor furniture, siding, hoses, plants, and trees.


  • This natural squirrel repellent keeps your plants safe.


  • Keep your yard looking beautiful without the pesky critters hanging around.


  • Enjoy being in your own backyard again!


Natural ingredients safe for people, pets, and the environment.
  • Contains powerful ingredients that prevent squirrels from chewing & gnawing on wires, plants, outdoor furniture, and more.
  • No chemical or toxic odors.
If you are looking for a product to keep them out of your home altogether, this is not the one. This product is designed solely to protect your yard from their chewing habits!

2. Enoz No Zone Animal Repellent Stations – Best Outdoor Squirrel Repellent for Garden Areas

Enoz No Zone has been scientifically tested and proven to be the most effective animal repellent station for your garden.

How Does It Work

The active ingredient in Enoz No Zone is naphthalene, a common chemical found in mothballs. This chemical has been proven to repel animals by attacking their sense of smell, making it uncomfortable for them to stay near or inside your home.

The station’s container will last up to 3 months after a single refill and can be placed anywhere desired within 10 yards from where you want pest control – no need for an outlet! Enoz No Zone Animal Repellents are easy-to-use, convenient, and affordable.


  • Protects your garden and flower beds from animals.


  • Keeps pesky critters away from you and your family.


  • Lasts for up to 3 months after a single refill.


3. DIAOTEC Squirrel Ultrasonic Repellent – Best Squirrel Repellents For Attic (People’s Choice)

Who hasn’t heard of it? DIAOTEC’s Ultrasonic Squirrel Repeller is a humane and safe way to keep squirrels away from your home. The device can cover an area of nearly 5,000 square feet. That’s a huge territory, which means that the DIAOTEC shouldn’t be near the pest to deter it. It can be far away and till repel.

How Does It Work

This electronic squirrel repellent uses ultrasonic sound waves to repel squirrels without causing any harm.

The repellent emits a powerful sound wave frequency of 25-65KHz, with an acoustic pressure level of 90dB at 360 degrees that is very irritating to those animals that hear it.

It is 60 times more powerful than any other products.

DIAOTEC’s product is perfect for homeowners who want an effective solution but don’t want to harm their beloved squirrels.

The basic features are the following:


  • No batteries to replace.
  • Safe for bob-rodent pets.
  • Effective work on the area of about 5,000 ft².
  • Small size which makes it perfect for your attic, garage, office, room or basement.
  • Frequency range of 25KHz-65KHz.


  • The use of a standard AC plug outlet.
  • A long cord that makes extension lead unnecessary.
  • Keep your home safe from rodents and insects.
  • Save money by reducing your need to buy pest control products.


4. Mighty Mint Rodent Vehicle Protection Spray – Best Squirrel Repellents for Cars

The Mighty Mint Rodent Vehicle Protection Spray is a natural, non-toxic spray that helps keep rodents away from your car. The active ingredient in this product is 4% peppermint oil, which is effective at keeping rodents out of homes and garden areas.

It’s safe for pets and family members (both indoors and outdoors), so you can use it without worry. This natural squirrel repellent is also made in the USA!


  • Protects the car from rodent chewing.
  • Non-toxic and smells great.


  • Keep rodents out of your car and away from your family!
  • It is extra concentrated for long-lasting protection.


5. BONIDE Repels-All Animal Repellent Granules

BONIDE Repellent Granules are an eco-friendly, organic way to keep your yard from ground squirrels. The contents of the granules are biodegradable and made up of three ingredients: 1.12% Putrescent whole egg solids, 0.54% Cloves, and 0.03% Garlic oil. These granules can last up to two months and will not harm any animals should they eat them as opposed to other methods such as mothballs which could be hazardous if eaten by an animal or even a human for that matter!

The benefits of BONIDE Repels-All Granules far outweigh those of their counterparts in both effectiveness and safety meaning these should be your go-to for keeping squirrels away!

  • Biodegradable and eco-friendly.
  • Lasts 2 months.
  • Keep your yard animal-free!
  • The smell can be overpowering.
  • It’s not the most aesthetically pleasing thing in the world to look at.

6. Hoont Motion-Activated Jet Blaster Sprinkler

Another popular solution is Hoont Jet Blaster. It is a well-known motion-activated sprinkler device, which is equipped with a powerful PIR sensor is a special infrared sensor the task of which is to detect the presence of squirrels, approaching. If there is an animal, the device unleashes a burst of water, startling the pest and making it run away.

How to Use

All you should do is attach the unit to the water supply and place it along the path, where animals like traveling. The device will become a perfect squirrel repellent, deterring not only squirrels but also raccoons, deer, or skunks, if there are any on your property.

The Hoont sprinkler covers up to 650 ft² of space with water jets. You can adjust the jets according to your needs. The sprinkler also has a 24/7 animal detection unit to protect your property. And it’s 100% harmless to wild animals and pets.


  • Keep your garden safe from squirrels and other rodents.


  • Protect your fruit trees, flowers, and other plants.


  • Your garden will be free of pesky animals.


7. Safer Brand Critter Ridder Animal Repellent Spray

Safer Brand Natural Spray is one of the most popular squirrel repellents that contain a patented non-toxic formula that consists of Capsaicin (Cayenne Pepper), Pepper, and Piperine. It reaches 32 oz. spray bottle.

How Does It Work

When combined, all the ingredients can impact the pest’s sense of smell and taste, thus producing an effect that is similar to that of red-hot jalapeno pepper.

Critter Ridder is a ready-to-use spray for direct application.

How to Use

The Safer Brand natural squirrel repellent solution can be freely applied to plants and shrubs, as well as other infested areas. Its use creates a distinct squirrel-deterring perimeter around the location.

If you are interested in optimal results, you can try out Critter Ridder Animal Repellent Granules. It is better because this is a combination of both products for optimal protection.

[amazon_product asin=”B07QTDCNNR” name=”Safer Brand Critter Ridder Animal Repellent Granules” f1=”Long-lasting formula provides 30 days of protection.” f2=”Dual-action protection works great on both smells (made from 100% natural ingredients) and taste buds (from peppers which are hot to mammals).” f3=”With 5 pounds shaker container you can cover up to 300 ft².”]Critter Ridder Animal Repellent Granules[/amazon_product]

What is the Best Squirrel Repellent in 2025? – Your Expert Buyer’s Guide

There are a variety of repellents that can be used to get rid of squirrels. They can be natural and commercial, in granules or spray forms, expensive and cheap. But what interests everyone is whether they work or not.

Being a non-professional, you cannot answer this question at once. To make a final decision, you should judge by results, ingredients, etc. However, this may take too much time that you usually do not have. I decided to help you pick the best squirrel repellents.

Repelling Squirrels Is Easy!

Easy ways for squirrels repellingMany won’t agree with this statement, but it is true. The only recommendation is to be well-armed with the basic squirrel repellent info and effective sprays, powders and so on.

To begin with, I decided to give you a piece of advice:

  1. When do squirrel repellents work best? When the infestation is low in number and the pests do not cause any widespread or serious damage.
  2. Can you use squirrel repellents on plants? Certain products can be used on plants and the surrounding locations to discourage squirrels from chewing your beneficial growing plants and give the animals access to other food sources. This is helpful in the process of modifying pests’ behavior by feeding on important plants and leading them to get used to less important ones.
  3. Do squirrel repellents solve all problems? No, they don’t, and this is why their use is always combined with some other solutions, like trapping, for example.
  4. Is there any chance to wash squirrel repellents away? Yes, make sure you reapply them after rain to maintain a high level of efficiency of a ground squirrel repellent.
While using any of the commercial solutions, read the label instruction to protect your pets and family from unwanted negative consequences.

Do many people keep asking how to keep squirrels away? You can use the most reliable products like I Must Garden Repellent Spray or Hoont Jet Blaster Motion-Activated Sprinkler.

Can Natural Repellents Bring Any Results?

They say that there is no need to use different harsh chemical repellents to keep squirrels at bay. Why not choose organic squirrel repellents to keep animals from coming into your garden or house?

There are several effective options you could choose from. Among them are the following:


  • Garlic and pepper.
    They both are excellent home remedies, only must be re-sprayed after rain. Just mix mashed garlic cloves in water and vinegar and then pour into a spray bottle.
  • Cayenne pepper (Capsaicin).
    Grind cayenne pepper and sprinkle them throughout the garden to deter squirrels and other rodents. Place the solution in bird feeders and any other areas where you’ve seen squirrel activity. They will eat spicy products and won’t return to the same area again.


  • Predator urine.
    It may be the ingredient of a commercial product or can be quite effectively used alone. It is sold in a pellet form and is available in garden supply centers as well as most wilderness stores. These natural predators may include bobcats, coyotes, and foxes to help you in the process of how to get rid of squirrels in the yard. Just sprinkle pellets around the lawn and garden and be sure that you will deter pests from coming to your property.


Are Squirrel Repellent Sprays Effective?

Today, several effective spray products are supposed to be the best squirrel repellents of this type. They all can be bought at Amazon from $12 to $69. The variants vary from bad-smelling to bad-tasting products. They should be sprayed, sprinkled, or spread on the soil, plants, and feeders.

If the product is made of red pepper, it should be mixed with bird seeds.
Others should be dusted in bulbs before dusting.

Sprays are the most frequently used solutions to get rid of squirrels, as they are cheap and easy to use. However, not all squirrel repellents promise the best results. In addition, to control squirrels, they should be re-applied after rain or once per month.

Generally speaking, it is up to you to decide, which type of repellent to use. If you see that the squirrel problem is minor, try any spray a repellent. However, when the infestation is serious, take a good chance to combine several options at once for a better result. Weigh down all pros and cons and choose the solution that suits all your needs best.

If neither of them seems to be efficient, call a professional squirrel extermination service. They’ll know what to do.

Best Squirrel Deterrent for Your Garden

If someone tells you that there is not much you can do about the squirrel population in your garden or house, they are wrong. There are many ways to go! There’s no need to worry about nasty rodents when you have the best squirrel deterrent around.

It’s time to get rid of squirrels once and for all with my natural solution that will keep them away from your property without harming them or damaging any of the greenery in your yard. If you are sick and tired of being so helpless, learn the options I suggest.

Read what I propose. Use simple methods and easy tricks. See how easy it can be.

How to Deter a Troublesome Squirrel

Deterring squirrels has never been a task of one day. The aim is accomplished in time, after several tryings and patience, of course.

Let’s focus on the easiest ways you could go:


  • Chicken wire. Most gardeners are so willing to protect the plants that they dig out the planting bed and line it with chicken wire, wrapping it up the sides as well as over the bed’s top. Such constructions leave no place for squirrels to go through.


  • Aluminum flashing. It’s not a secret that ground squirrels like tree bark. To keep them away from trees wrap a wide aluminum flashing (60 cm) around the tree trunk’s base for preventing them from shredding the bark.


Use stainless steel nails attaching the metal to the trunk.
There’s no need to get worried about the need to use nails as its size doesn’t hurt the trunk. Besides, they should be inserted only about 2.5 cm into the tree. Most trees heal the wounds just fine.

Start Deterring Squirrels TODAY!

When these pests are in your garden, get ready for multiple squirrels in your house, damage, noise, and smell they bring with them. The best way to prevent the squirrel problem is to treat it as soon as you notice the first signs of rodent infestation.

Use my helpful tips. Combine deterrent options to ensure fast and long-lasting results. Choose the way and start acting right now to cut off all possible risks! Show those squirrels who the boss is!

Questions & Answers

Does peppermint oil repel squirrels?

Yes. It is effective at keeping rodents out of homes and gardens. Peppermint oil is safe for pets and family members (both indoors and outdoors), so you can use it without worry.

Does white vinegar repel squirrels?

No, white vinegar does not repel squirrels. White vinegar is primarily used to clean the home, where it also has a disinfectant quality because of its acidity. It works best for household plants. If you have a squirrel infestation in your garden or other areas outdoors, you would need to use something else for pest prevention purposes.

After it rains, should you reapply natural repellents?

Yes, after it rains, you should reapply the natural repellents.

The rain is likely to wash off some of the products from your yard. Natural products are intended to be used over time, so it's safe to use them again after a rainstorm. In addition, rain is beneficial because it allows for additional scent dispersion that may come with some organic or natural brands. It also helps break down any mulch and spread ground-covering plant material around the property while doing water bills savings by increasing runoff rates and improving drainage on concrete and other hard surfaces exposed to direct rainfall (increasing permeability). A bit of added exercise can go a long way!


Homeowners are always looking for ways to keep their yard animal-free.

There are a lot of options out there, but many homeowners don’t know which one is best for them. Some of these products use harsh chemicals that can be hazardous to humans and animals alike. Other products don’t even work!

The truth is that there’s no need to worry about which product will best suit your needs because I Must Garden Squirrel Repellent is the ultimate solution for keeping squirrels away from your garden, attic, and car with its organic ingredients consisting of essential oils mix.

This product does not contain any chemicals or harmful substances so you can feel confident in using it around children and pets without worrying about potential harm coming to them.

Be sure to check out my review on this product to see why I love it!


  • Protect your yard from squirrels and other small animals.


  • Keep rodents away from your garden, attic, and car.


  • Repel pesky critters without hurting them.


If you have any questions about these best squirrel repellents, please feel free to leave a comment below. I’m always happy to help my readers in any way I can.

Take care!

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About the author

Inga Cryton is a pest control expert based in Wichita, Kansas, with a passion for helping others protect their homes. Through, she shares effective and humane pest management strategies for a variety of critters.

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15 thoughts on “Best Squirrel Repellent – Your Top 7 Options!”

  1. Using large predator urine only causes more of the same species to come urinate on top of the same spot. You end up with a big stink and no relief from the squirrels. If you have small pets they become prey for the predators nw that you have attracted them to frequent your yard.

  2. I use an air rifle, .22 Cal. It is quite effective out to about 60 yards.

    When I find a gopher or ground squirrel hole I give them a Giant Destroyer, 20 minutes after the Giant Destroyer has gone off I will put the muzzle of a .69 cal. 12 pound Napoleon cannon, .made by CVA years ago, loaded with 90 grains FFG black powder a very tight paper wad pounded on top of the powder. I had put a 3″ fuze in the flash hole. The muzzle in the hole will have dirt packed tightly around it and the fuze lit. The cannon goes off quietly in aboutr 30 seconds.

    It will give the rodents a head ache, or concuss them

  3. I have tried everything! I’ve tried mothballs and learned they are toxic. I threw 3 boxes in the attic, a sound solar machine, ammonia rags, lime, white pepper, cayenne pepper, Critter Ridder, tons of sprays for squirrels. Furthermore, I am exhausted and frustrated. I’ve contacted a company to see what they can do. I am going to cut the trees to my house, but I saw one come over my fence. Pleaseeeeeee someone help me with info. A BB gun is not the answer. I appreciate your time and solution. Thanks

  4. Most Adult Humans can’t hear ultrasonics, but some can, as Anonymous said, small children can in most cases hear them. Humans tend to lose most ultra high frequency capability between the average ages 14 ~ 30 as the cochlear hair cells die within the ear. I’m over 30 and still have good ultra high frequency range hearing, just not quite as good as it once was. I can hear most of the ultrasonic pest repellents on the market, further some of the electronic circuitry in modern switch mode power supplies is quite audibly noisy. Think poorly made replacement laptop power bricks as an example. The real problem with most ultrasonic pest repellents is that, most on the market do not cycle or change the frequency used and thus the rodents become accustomed to the consistent frequency of the noise in that environment and it no longer appears threating.. so they move back in. If you have a variable frequency intermittent emitting device they tend to be quite effective.. few are built this way.

  5. question, does the Havahart Spray Away repellent work? Products are advertised, however I do not hear any success stories. If anyone has used any repellents, pls add to comments as to the results. Stop repeating yourselves.not interested in reading childlike comments. Looking for straight answers, not criticism.

  6. This year we have been run over by squirrels. We have read on several sites trying different things. We have trapped 51 squirrels in 10 days. They have destroyed our yard and grove. I have found that putting peanut butter on crackers and some nuts have helped to capture them in the trap/cage. They are still plenty more to go though.

  7. I am interested in trying the most effective product. Which of these serves that purpose. I have tried the ultrasonic type but the squirrels seem to be immune. The are now in an unused chimney.

  8. electronic repellers is a absolute insult to families they keep my grandchildren away and my neighbors awake please take them out of free WILL from selling and off the market I feel I is fraud or the LAW has to step in

  9. many products listed here look good but none of them mention if they are safe or repellant to birds? we want to keep the birds and repel the squirrels is there a product that does this task? thank you for your helpful site. DW
