Top 7 Efficient Rabbit Repellent and Deterrent Products to Keep Them Away

Inga Cryton

You don’t have to be an expert to repel rabbits. Choose the best rabbit repellent, and keep them away from your area.

Here I suggest 7 Best Rabbit Repellents and Deterrents of 2025 for Your Gardens and Lawns:

Our #1 Rated
Safer Critter Ridder Animal Repellent review
Safer Critter Ridder Animal Repellent
  • Type: Granular Shaker
  • Active Ingredients: 0.48% Oil of Black Pepper, 0.185% Piperine, 0.032% Capsaicin
  • Covers up to 300 ft²
  • Last up to 30 days

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People's Choice
Liquid Fence Repellent Concentrate review
Liquid Fence Repellent Concentrate
  • Type: Concentrate
  • Active Ingredient: 10.405% Putrescent Egg
  • Covers up to 6,000 ft²
  • Last up to 60 days

Check Price
Liquid Fence Repellent Spray review
Liquid Fence Repellent Spray
  • Type: Ready-to-Use Spray
  • Active Ingredient: 1.04% Putrescent Egg
  • Covers up to 2,000 ft²
  • Last up to 60 days

Check Price
Safer Critter Ridder Deer & Rabbit Repellent review
Safer Critter Ridder Deer & Rabbit Repellent
  • Type: Ready-to-Use Spray
  • Active Ingredients: 4.63% Putrescent Egg, 0.001% Capsaicin, 0.001% Garlic
  • Covers up to 500 ft²
  • Last up to 90 days

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Best Budget
Shake-Away Fox Urine Granules review
Shake-Away Fox Urine Granules
  • Type: Granular
  • Active Ingredient: 5.0% Fox Urine
  • Covers up to 10,000 ft²
  • Last up to 60 days

Check Price
Ortho Deer B Gon Repellent Spray review
Ortho Deer B Gon Repellent Spray
  • Type: Ready-to-Use Hose-End-Sprayer
  • Active Ingredients: 0.76% Putrescent Whole Egg Solids, 0.22% Cinnamon Oil, 0.14% Clove Oil
  • Covers up to 10,000 ft²
  • Last up to 30 days

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Best Rabbit Deterrent Sprinklers

Best Choice
Orbit Yard Enforcer Motion Activated Sprinkler with Day and Night Detection Modes review
Orbit Yard Enforcer Motion Activated Sprinkler with Day and Night Detection Modes
  • Type: Deterrent Sprinkler
  • Defends area: 1,600 ft²

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Havahart Spray Away Motion-Activated Sprinkler review
Havahart Spray Away Motion-Activated Sprinkler
  • Type: Deterrent Sprinkler
  • Defends area: 1,900 ft²

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What is the Best Rabbit Repellent in 2025? – Buyer’s Guide

You like rabbits for their soft fur and cuteness and would mind patting a little soft rabbit. But what if you hold a vegetable garden or a garden full of flowers? Rabbits are nocturnal. It means hungry grazing rabbits will feed on just about any flower or plant they can reach.

If you suffer from the constant attention of rabbits to all your areas of the yard or garden, read our tips which will definitely help you to get rid of annoying little animals. We’ll help you to find effective rabbit control products by providing you with a working rabbit repellent guide. Use our smart tips and determine the most effective rabbit repellent for you!

Effective Products on How to Keep Rabbits Away

Rabbits can be serious pests when they get into your areas of gardens and plants. So what keeps rabbits away and how to crack the rabbit problem without hurting your plants? Focus on these tips to see what works best for you.

1 pair of destructive rabbits can produce up to eighteen kits in 1 year.


  • Take care of your garden
    Mow your grass regularly. Keep it clean and tidy. Rabbits won’t walk around easily on the open area. They would try to escape from predators by hiding under the bushes, trees with low branches, under low-growing shrubs as well as under tall grasses and porches.
    Clean your garden by removing brush piles, dead leaves. Keep the space in your garden open and clear.
    Keep your garden clean and tidy
  • Scare them with deterrents
    Rabbits don’t like noises. In fact, any movement in your garden will surely scare them away.
    You can use a self-made decoration – some old-used cans with several stones inside tight together, or a twisting mini-mill, rotating from a sudden blow of wind.
    It will succeed in keeping rabbits away as only it makes noise or moves around.
    Using Motion-Activated Sprinkler


  • Use repellents
    Want to have success at keeping rabbits away from your property? Using both homemade and commercial repellents is a good idea.
  • Use kitty litter
    Rabbits can’t stand cats. So if you have the one in your backyard, hungry rabbits will usually keep away.
    If you don’t have a cat you can use cat droppings as well as kitty litter to drive nasty rabbits away.
    Use kitty litter
  • Install animal netting
    Even the most stubborn of rabbits can be deterred with the help of animal netting. By using this mesh-like plastic – which is very easy to install – you can protect your vegetables, flowers, shrubs and just about anything rabbits may target as food.
    Animal netting installing


Fencing is one of the most efficient products to exclude rabbits – especially in high-rabbit-density areas.
Keep in mind the height of the fence should be three feet or taller so that rabbits can’t jump over it.

It is necessary to check your garden regularly – rabbits can climb the fence as well as they can go underneath it. You can also use an electric fence but it can be quite uncomfortable if you have small kids who love to play in the garden.

Getting rid of rabbits seems like a stiff task. Here, we share easy-to-follow instructions that will teach you how to make away with destructive animals.

How to Repel Rabbits?

Today’s market can offer various rabbit repellents to choose from. Rabbits are somewhat picky about scent. This is why repellents can be quite effective in keeping them away.

To repel rabbits effectively:


  • Alternate repellents, so that the animals don’t get used to one scent or flavor;


  • Re-apply the product after heavy rainfall;


  • Apply repellents at the end of the day.


When it comes to repelling rabbits, it’s essential to have a strategy that protects your yard/garden. Here are the instructions:

  1. Identify when rabbits cause the most damage
    Bunny BarrierRabbits’ habits change with the seasons. So identifying the best rabbit repellent product depends on when they are causing the most damage.
    A tip is to employ multiple products according to the season.
  2. Choose the best rabbit repellent

    Liquid RepellentsDetermine the correct rabbit repellent solution by focusing on problem areas and taking preventative measures to make sure all of your valued yard/garden is protected. Remember, it is very easy for rabbits to adapt to changing environments. As soon as you repel these animals from one area they will move to unprotected one.

    You can use:

    • Liquid Repellents – best for protecting plant surfaces, flowers and grasses from direct rabbit damage. The best is Liquid Fence Repellent Spray.
    • Granular Repellents – great solution to repel rabbits in cold weather. Granular repellents create an excellent barrier around your plants and provide protection for perimeters of structures, pathways, flower beds, ground cover, vegetable gardens, and dens. The best is Shake-Away Fox Urine Granules.
    • Electronic Deterrents – used to scare rabbits away from large surfaces with bursts of water. Electronics can discourage animal activity almost anywhere – in any area. The best is Orbit Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler.
  3. Apply as directed
    To repel rabbits effectively and to achieve the best result you are to apply repellents correctly. Before using the product always follow the label directions.

Want to know how to select an effective live rabbit trap? How to determine trap placement and how to select the bait? Here, you will find expert tips and instructions you need to know.

The Best Natural Repellents with a Scent Rabbits can’t Stand

Rabbits give preference to new growth. It means you should keep an eye out for buds, shoots, sprouting plants, and seedlings and treat them with good repellents immediately when they appear.

You can use pesticides or rabbit repellent home remedies as a repellent spray. But we suggest using natural, organic repellents.

Rabbits have highly-elevated senses of taste and smell. If you want to stop rabbits from feeding on your plants you can use organic rabbit repellent.

Let’s focus on natural rabbit repellents that work harder to protect your yard:

1. Safer Critter Ridder Granular Shaker – Best Granular Rabbit Repellent (Editor’s Choice)

Safer Critter Ridder Repellent is a powerful solution that contains scent and taste that creates a really unpleasant environment for rabbits.

How it works: The ingredients of the product create a scent and taste that rabbits find unpleasant.

How to use: Granules create a barrier around pools, ornamental gardens, sheds, fences, foundations, and woodpiles.

2. Liquid Fence Concentrate – Best Liquid Repellent (People’s Choice)

Liquid Fence Rabbit Spray is very effective, resistant to rain rabbit control repellent that stays effective during the whole year.

How it works: Scares rabbits from gardens – flowers, vegetables, shrubs, and wines. The product is harmless to animals, natural, and has no odor.

Application: Just spray it on your plants or your garden.


3. Liquid Fence Rabbit Repellent Spray

How it works: Repels rabbits from landscapes and open garden areas making plants unattractive to animals.

Application: No special instruction is needed.

Effectiveness: Long lasting and very effective. This product is resistant to rain and weather conditions. It lasts for about four weeks in dry weather and for about a week if it rains. The solution is biodegradable – not harmful to nature and animals.

4. Safer Critter Ridder Deer & Rabbit Repellent

This ready-to-use repellent spray is a top choice among landscapers and organic gardeners. The spray is proven to repel hungry rabbits by targeting their sense of smell.

Application: Spray the repellent generously onto plants and flowers as directed as soon as rabbits begin to browse. Apply repellent every ninety days for continued results.

Benefits: The product lasts up to ninety days so the customers can spend less time re-applying.

Repellents are more effective than trapping in low-to-heavy-rabbit-density areas.
With the help of repellent products, multiple rabbits can be targeted at once.

5. Shake-Away Granules

Shake-Away is the best, long-lasting granular solution – for keeping rabbits outs – on the market.

How repellent works: Repellent contains the highest concentration of powerful, scientifically-proven deterrent fox urine. The odor of this deterrent mimics that of fox urine and causes rabbits to go to a more welcoming area.

How to use: You can sprinkle Shake-Away pellets in front of your flowerbeds and around your gardens to create an odor barrier that will surely keep rabbits out.

Safety: The product is completely biodegradable.

6. Ortho Deer B Gon Repellent Spray

Ortho Deer B Gon Repellent is a ready-to-use spray of essential oils and no stink formula. The solution guarantees a long-lasting effect and rain-resistant performance.

Application: This hose-end-sprayer does not require special instruction. Spray or apply directly. Harmless to people and pets if used correctly.

Plants that Repel Rabbits

There is no doubt about it – rabbits like to eat plants and flowers. However, there are plants rabbits really don’t like. Therefore using repellent flowers is a good solution to crack the rabbit problem. Rabbit’s preferences often differ according to their age. Some flowers are preferred more when rabbits are mature; the others are eaten during the premature life period.

Rabbits are very sensitive to strong odors.

If you don’t want to use soap shavings, pesticides or other products, you can plant naturally-repellent-to-rabbits:


  • flowers


  • shrubs


  • herbs


Here is what you can plant:


  • Perennials
    Beautiful perennials are not only attractive but can easily repel rabbits and become an effective repellent for lawns.
    They include Allium, Bleeding Heart, Bee Balm, Butterfly Bush, Bluebell, California Poppy, Columbine, Candy Tuft, Cinquefoil, Dahlia, Daylily, Daffodil, Forget-Me-Not, Ferns, Foxglove, Germander, Heather, Lavender, Iris, Lily of the Valley, Peony, Salvia, Sweet Woodruff, Vinca, and Yarrow.


  • Herbs
    There are many herbs that can repel rabbits like: Lavender, Rosemary, Oregano, Tarragon, Marjoram and Lemon Balm.
    Rabbits are effectively repelled by catmint which can be a great addition to your herb garden.
  • Annuals
    When it comes to annuals, you can plant these ones: Flowering Tobacco, Snow-on-the-Mountain, Marigold, Larkspur, Sweet Alyssum, Nasturtium, Poppy, and Snapdragon.


Do rabbits dig holes on your property? By reading this info you will surely find out how to protect your plants from rabbits in your yard/garden.

The Best Rabbit Deterrents

Rabbits Deterring shrubs and herbsIf there is enough food for the rabbit population, pests will try to keep the distance from people but if the population is too high rabbits will need to find new sources of food. So they will visit your garden.

Having deterrent plants on your landscape – like Campanula, Impatiens, Scabiosa, Ageratum, and Cineraria – helps to deter rabbits from eating their favorite food and staying in your garden.

You can plant some deterring shrubs and herbs such as Camellias, Juniper, Holly, Buddleia, Lilac, Boxwood, Mexican Sage, Rhododendron, Salvia, Lantana, Viburnum. Deterring trees – Ceda, Ginko, Magnolia, Pines, Oak, Spruce, Maples, and Redbud – can also deter destructive rabbits.

How to deter rabbits from your garden? I suggest using electronic deterrents like motion-activated sprinklers:


7. Orbit Motion-Activated Sprinkler – Best Electronic Rabbit Deterrent

Orbit Sprinkler uses infrared technology – day and night – to detect rabbits’ heat and movement up to thirty-five feet away.

How it works: When a rabbit is detected Orbit releases a burst of water together with startling motion and noise. This frightens away rabbits and conditions them to stay away from all areas of your yard.

Benefits: The unit can cover more than 1,600 sq ft, spraying at a distance of up to thirty-five feet.

Electronics are more cost-efficient than traditional repellents as there is no need to re-buy the product season after season or re-apply it.

8. Havahart Motion-Activated Sprinkler

It’s conditioning rabbits to stay away from your garden by seeking out the movement of animals and frightening them off with quick bursts of water.

How it works: This electronic animal detector can detect rabbit movement up to thirty-five feet away. When a rabbit crosses its path, the Spray Away Sprinkler releases a burst of water which is combined with noise and motion that can safely repel critters.

Benefits: The product has an adjustable infrared sensor that gives you the opportunity to choose the angle of the sensor and customize the device to variations in your terrain and landscape. The product is environmentally-friendly. It is safer than chemicals and more economical.


About the author

Inga Cryton is a pest control expert based in Wichita, Kansas, with a passion for helping others protect their homes. Through, she shares effective and humane pest management strategies for a variety of critters.

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4 thoughts on “Top 7 Efficient Rabbit Repellent and Deterrent Products to Keep Them Away”

  1. Love the picture with the rabbit looking through the fence at the concentration camp. Clearly the rabbit is in prison, since there is no food for her to be longing for on either side! I let the lush weeds grow up on the outside of my garden (forget that stupid good for nothing grass) and the rabbits are not interested in my garden. The beginning of this article encourages keepng the grass well manicured with huge spaces between the garden and everything else. My neighbors do that, and all they do is complain about the darn rabbits eating their veggies! How about changing our life approach and recognizing that we need to seek a balance in life. My yard is right next to the rabbit proof yards of the neighbors (according to this article), but my rabbit haven of a yard keeps them out of my garden area. Oh, and the 3 foot tall rabbit fencing does not keep the rabbits out. They simply jump through the higher section about 1 foot off the ground and go throug the wider holes. Or they dig under. Instead of trying any of the things mentioned in this article, try learning about permaculture and bring things back into balance so you won’t have to think about the rabbits as a problem any more.

  2. What do you do to disarm the sprayer when it is a warm summer evening and you would like to sit in the garden with out being sprayed yourself? Is there a remote control to turn it off from a distance?
