Bayer Advanced Bed Bug & Flea Killer


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Bayer Advanced Bed Bug and Flea Killer Spray
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Primary Active Ingredient:
0.025% Imidacloprid, 0.0125% B-Cyfluthrin
For Use:
Indoor / Outdoor
64 oz
Time of Action:
4-6 weeks
Action area/distance:
960 sq. ft.
Active Ingredient Type:
SBM Life Science Corp.

Bayer’s Home Pest Bed Bug and Flea Killer kills bed bugs while providing residual control. This can be applied at any angle, even upside down and is for use on mattresses, upholstered furniture and luggage. Has no unpleasant odor and is non-staining.


  • Hold container upright while spraying. Direct nozzle about 12 inches from surface to be treated.
  • Spray around baseboards, into cracks and crevices and other places where insects live and hide (under sinks, cabinets, refrigerators, damp areas, etc.) until surfaces are wet. Avoid excessive wetting of linoleum, asphalt tiles or plastic. Allow surfaces to remain wet for at least 5 minutes. Do not apply as a broadcast spray.
  • For long-lasting residual action leave spray undisturbed. The product will keep on killing insects for up to 12 months (for German cockroaches, black carpenter ants and house crickets on non-porous surfaces).
  • Do not use this product on mattresses, pillows, bed linens, or clothes.


  • Apply to exterior surfaces of the home
  • Spray a band 3 to 4 feet wide around and alongside the foundation and porches of the house
  • Treat soil, turf or walkways adjacent to foundation and porches. Also treat 1 to 2 feet up along the side of the dwelling
  • For more serious problems, a wider band of treatment, up to 10 feet, maybe necessary
  • Spray with the wind to avoid drifting of the spray onto skin or clothing
  • Treat where dissimilar building materials meet, such as where brick meets wood trim or where siding meets window edges or where cracks are visible or around and into any openings where utilities enter the home. Spray around doors and window frames
  • Treat outside surfaces of garages, carports, patios, driveways and sidewalks if insects are present
  • Treat other problem areas such as around wood piles, storage sheds and other areas of insect infestation as needed. Spray on ant trails and ant hills
  • For wasps, hornets, yellow jackets: Application to nests should be made late in evening when insects are at rest
  • To aid in control of fire ants in lawns and other outdoor home recreation areas, thoroughly drench the entire mound area. Spray provides contact activity and residual in the active mound. Use a coarse spray and apply gently to avoid disturbing ants
For best results apply in cool weather 65 to 80˚F, or in early morning or late evening hours. Treat new mounds as they appear.
  • Kills pyrethroid-resistant Bed Bugs and keeps on killing for up to 30 days
  • Kills Bed Bug eggs before they hatch
  • Kills Fleas for up to 12 months
  • No unpleasant odor and non-staining
  • Can be applied at any angle – even upside down.
Based on 1 feedback of our visitor
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  1. I’m a little disappointed that this product doesn’t last longer. I mean, we’re talking about keeping away bugs for good but it only lasts one or two months max before they come back again! Other than this shortcoming though, everything is great with my bug spray purchase so far – in spite of all those pesky bloodsuckers wanting nothing more than to make me their next meal (or victims!).

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