Professional Coyotes Control: How to Make Away with Nuisance Predators Humanely

Inga Cryton

Have coyote problem on your property? Then learning how to make away with them is important. Coyotes can be a nightmare for agricultural producers, farmers, and even residential property owners. These predators prey on chickens and sheep and raid yards and trashcans in search of a meal.

Whether you are interested in ridding predatory creatures from your backyard or participating in trap and release programs, we have a variety of solutions for coyote control – including coyote traps, deterrents, repellents, and lethal control methods.

Take steps to make the area around your property unappealing to coyotes through an integrated approach of frightening, repelling, and exclusion.


5 Steps Ultimate Guide on How to Get Rid of Coyotes Humanely

Coyotes can be found throughout the United States. 90% of the coyotes’ diet consists of animal matter. These animals also feed on a variety of different fruits including blueberries, peaches, apples, pears, and persimmons. When coyotes’ feeding leads them to the yards, livestock, or pets, they become a real problem for many homeowners. While some people count coyotes as rather endearing, coyote removal and control may be a serious issue in the garden.

Damage: Their damage is quick and complete. They will readily eat chicken, pheasant, and turkey. They love eating eggs, causing huge financial losses to a weekend and commercial farmers. Stocked with fish or turtles ponds built by people provide a quick meal for coyotes. And if you are having some small pond on your property, it’s time to take control of these animals.

Coyotes are intelligent, adaptable predators that can be found anywhere. They are clever and cunning, but their intelligence also makes them vulnerable to human behaviors.

Getting rid of coyotes is not an easy task. When it comes to their control, some coyote control methods will help you keep your backyard coyote-free. Here are 5 steps on how to get rid of coyotes humanely, which will allow you to maintain your yard and keep these pesky animals away. It is important to know the right way to take care of this problem!

  1. STEP 1. STOP Feeding Them
    Step 1: STEP 1. STOP Feeding ThemCoyotes have a varied diet and will eat just about anything: rodents, fruit, vegetables, insects- you name it! That’s why it’s so important to remove food attractants from your yard if you want them gone for good.

    The first step to getting rid of coyotes is removing food attractants from your yard.

    This may seem obvious, but just remember that coyotes are adaptable predators that will eat whatever is easiest to get. If you continue to feed them, they’ll keep coming back!

    It can be hard to get rid of coyotes for good if food isn’t the main problem. Food insecure coyotes are usually more dangerous because they become desperate and come close to residential areas in search of food.

    It’s essential to reduce the attractiveness of your property.

    The main reason why a coyote may enter your backyard is food. While taking up food can be puzzling and time-consuming with farm animals, removing food sources and keeping food in secure containers helps to reduce the potential for predator attraction.

    To stop feeding coyotes naturally, dispose of garbage properly by keeping it in your garage until the morning of trash day, if possible. If you have fruit trees or vegetable gardens, pick up any fallen fruit so that it is not left behind on the ground.

    You may also want to keep your garage doors shut at night when you go to bed. They won’t be able to access your garbage cans if they can’t get in the garage!

  2. STEP 2. Fencing Option
    Step 2: STEP 2. Fencing OptionAlthough this option can change your landscape dramatically, many people find fencing a great solution to keep coyotes out.

    Install coyote fences or electric fences around the perimeter of your property. Coyotes can jump over 6 feet high and they don't need to dig under a fence because their front paws act as shovels.

    Electric fences work best on flat terrain with no trees near the property line; they should extend a few feet underground (at least 12 inches) and be buried in concrete every few inches (or use special posts). Fences should be constructed so that it is at least 8 feet tall. This can be especially hard in areas with lots of trees because the fence will have to extend high above the tree line.

    These fences are also not an effective guard against other animals. They just want to avoid predators and will eat and breed as normal!

    To protect livestock from predators, put them in a barn before dusk.

  3. STEP 3. Spray Urine Repellents to Repel Coyotes on Your Property
    Step 3: STEP 3. Spray Urine Repellents to Repel Coyotes on Your PropertySpray urine repellents are created by combining coyote urine with water. The use of scent is an instinctual behavior to the animal, which means it will typically avoid areas where there are other coyotes. Coyotes are territorial animals which means only one coyote usually establishes a territory in an area. They will move out if another worse invades their territory.

    One of the best ways to get rid of coyotes is with Coyote Pure Urine by Lenon Animal Lures. The company offers a range of high-quality coyote lures that provide your lawn and property with a long-lasting scent that discourages coyotes from approaching the area. It also protects outdoor pets and livestock from predators.

    Coyote Pure Urine contains 100% urine collected from live animals in the wild and is offered in a 4 oz. spray bottle and a 1-gallon size. You can use it as a fogging agent or as a general deterrent for all types of coyote issues.

    Coyote repelling is a long-term solution to your coyote problems. Coyote Pure Urine is guaranteed for 30 days after you use it the first time, so be sure to spray often and apply generously if you want it to work.

    Apply the repellent spray to these places:


    • On any tree that has a large footprint.


    • In all points of access where coyotes might come into your yard.


    • Near natural water sources (streams, creeks, ponds).


  4. STEP 4. Install Motion-Activated Sprinklers
    Step 4: STEP 4. Install Motion-Activated SprinklersMotion-activated sprinklers are another option for getting rid of coyotes that are entering your property. Installing sprinklers will deter these predatory creatures from attempting to sneak onto your property.

    Sprinkler systems are usually used to keep animals out of yards, but it is important to set them up correctly if you want them to be effective. The sprinkler system should be set up so that it activates when an animal steps on a designated part of the yard or pathway.

    The Havahart Motion-Activated Animal Repellent & Sprinkler is a great motion-activated sprinkler to use for getting rid of coyotes. The sprinkler system was designed to protect your yard and property all year long.


    • It's easy to install and requires no wiring, so it can be set up in minutes.
    • It is activated by movement, deterring coyotes that come into the area.


    • The system is ideal for yards without an existing water source and can be used as a deterrent on your front steps, backyard deck, garage, mailbox, tree line, and more.


    The Havahart Motion-Activated Sprinkler detects the motion of coyotes walking in a range of up to 100 feet. Once it detects motion, it will spray water for approximately 5 seconds.

    You can also install bright lights in your backyard, use motion-activated lightning and ammonia.
  5. STEP 5. Keep Your Yard Very Maintained
    Step 5: STEP 5. Keep Your Yard Very MaintainedGet rid of coyotes humanely with these simple changes to your property. The only way to get rid of coyotes for good is by making these changes to your property (and by not feeding them, as previously stated).

    These simple adjustments will trick the coyote into thinking they aren’t welcome and will leave for good- no more worrying about their poop or trying to scare them away with loud noises or bright lights!

    Keep your backyard very maintained. Make sure your bushes are trimmed and your green grass is cut short.

    This takes away predator’s opportunities for shelter.

    Coyotes can be kept out of an area if they feel threatened and don't want to stick around. A coyote must feel like it can't hide to stay away from a certain place. If they feel that way, then they'll leave and never come back.

    Here are some tips for making your property less inviting to coyotes:


    • Don’t leave food out at night.
    • Make sure that there are no tall grasses or heavy underbrush to provide cover.
    • Keep pets, chickens, and other animals inside the house or in a coyote-proof outdoor pen at night.
    • Cut back trees near the ground so they are not overgrown and provide shelter.
    • Remove brush piles from around your yard because these “hideouts” will make your property more desirable to coyotes.
    • If you have small children or grandchildren visit often, take them to an indoor play area during evening hours when coyotes are most active (usually dawn and dusk). Set up a baby gate to keep children out of the yard and keep an eye on them when they’re playing outside.
    • Keep garbage cans in a garage or other enclosed area.
    • Don’t leave open compost piles where rodents can get to it.
    • Clear away any brush close to your house because these places will attract coyotes.
    • Make sure your yard is well-lit at night so that it doesn't provide cover for coyotes looking for prey.
    • Get rid of pets you don’t need (for example, if you don't have outdoor cats, then get rid of the ones you do have) and walk your dog on a leash if possible- just like people, coyotes are less likely to attack if they feel threatened.


    • Remove bird feeders.
    • Keep lids on garbage cans so that there is no way for rodents to get inside of them. Coyotes will eat dead rodents and dig through the trash for food.
    • Plant thorny bushes around the perimeter of your yard so that coyotes do not come in with ease.
    • Replace heavy underbrush with shrubs, flowers, rocks, trees, grass, or water features.
    • Install motion sensors with bright lights around your house or anywhere you are concerned about safety.
    • If you have a pool or hot tub, be sure to fence them in with chain link fencing at least six feet high 18. Make sure all doors are closed and locked at all times.
    • Keep your garage/shed doors closed.
    • Don't leave pet food out when you are not there to watch over it.
    • Install motion-activated sprinkler devices in your yard if coyotes keep coming around, even after making the other changes to your property.
    • Never approach a wild animal that looks sick or injured because this can make them more likely to attack, especially if they feel threatened by people.


How to Catch: Excellent Coyote Options

If you feel that the coyote problem requires human care, consider a live coyote trap. Trapping will help you to catch coyotes. Locate an area where these animals are present. Set the trap and camouflage it with natural leaves, twigs, and foliage. Use meat, fish, or eggs to bait the trap.

Higher trap works better for coyotes.

Not only target food but also some coyote urine, sprinkled on the edge of the trap, will help you to get destructive coyotes inside.


  • Havahart X-large one door trapHavahart X-large one door trap – the largest trap for the human capture of big critters.
    Price: $97.99
  • Human Trap by HumanewayHuman Trap by Humaneway – the easiest way to catch coyotes. The trap has handles on both ends which make it easier to lift.
    Price: $163.18
  • Coyote in trapImperial Pro Series Large Animal Folding Trap – working trap that features extra carry handles, double trap locks and heavy steel frame construction.
    Price: $169.95

Coil spring trapAnother option is Coil spring trap. This style of trap is widely accepted and efficient tool for managing coyotes’ populations. Due to this working foot-hold restraining device you can easily catch and hold coyotes.


  • Coyote Juice by Wildlife ResearchCoyote Juice by Wildlife Research – high quality coyote calling scent that completes your calling set-up.
    Price: $7.13
  • Coyote Trapping Lure by Pete Rickard’sCoyote Trapping Lure by Pete Rickard’s – 100% pure, works all season. This lure is the choice of coyote trappers for more than 80 years.
    Price: $4.68

How to Keep Dog-Like Predators Away with Coyote Deterrent

Keeping a nuisance coyote away from your property is not easy – coyotes are not easily fooled. So how to remove these dog-like predators? The best way to repel coyotes is to employ many prevention and repellent methods to crack the coyote problem on all fronts.

What to use:

Effective Deterrents

Coyote eradication becomes easy with the following deterrents:

  • Nite guard solarNite Guard Solar – helps to protect your pets, turkeys, chicken coops, etc. from coyote attacks. Install this deterrent and your property is safe. Don’t let these predators harm your valuable livestock.


  • Spray away elite IISpray away elite II – solar powered motion activated sprinkler that can effectively repel coyotes and protect any part of your property.

Urine Repellents

Want to repel coyotes on your property? It is not so hard if you use the following options:

  • P-Cover Wolf Urine Granules – all natural, chemical free repellent for coyotes. Apply the product around the fence line or in any other problematic location.

    Coyotes often steal homes of badgers and foxes.
  • Timber Wolf Urine – efficient coyote repellent spray. Since coyotes are naturally afraid of wolves they will for sure avoid unappealing areas which contain wolf urine scent. Apply the option on the border of your property.
  • Mountain Lion Urine – another excellent option for coyote eradication. With the following solution keeping coyotes out of your property becomes much easier.
  • Pete Rickard’s Wolf Urine Hunting Scent – can be used for hunting, trapping or garden coyote control.

Urine coyotes repellents

What Is the Best Way to Kill Coyotes?

Frankly speaking, no single method is the best. Why? Depending on the circumstances several control methods must be used simultaneously to solve the coyote problem.

When it comes to various lethal methods, such options as snares, traps, shooting, and toxicants are available. Keep in mind that each method varies some degrees of experience to be made effective. The use of toxicants requires special licensing for the user.

  1. SnaresSnares
    This option is relatively economical and cost-effective. It doesn’t require as much skill as traps do to be used properly. Snares are effective in sheep and goat areas and in places under a net wire fence.
  2. Leghold traps

    This mechanical capture device can be used on trails or at fence crossings. However, in sheep pastures, leghold traps frequently catch livestock.

    Neck snares and leg-hold traps can cause severe pain, sufferings and injuries.
    Pets often become unintended victims of such set-for-coyotes traps.
  3. M-44M-44
    The device delivers a toxicant for coyote control. When the animal pulls the baited capsule holder, the spring-operated device releases sodium cyanide into the coyote’s mouth. The coyote becomes unconscious and dies in a relatively short time. Note that livestock can also occasionally pull the device. This option is more effective during the cool days of fall or winter.
  4. Calling and shooting
    Various calls – that imitate howling coyotes or injured prey – are available. Calling is successful in areas with a high coyote population. Shooting requires some skill.
  5. Livestock protection collarLivestock protection collar
    This coyote control tool is directly applied to the target animals – goats, sheep. The collar consists of 2 rubber bladders that contain compound 1080 attached with straps to the sheep or goat throat. When a coyote attacks the throat of the animal – sheep or goat – it receives a lethal dose of sodium fluoroacetate.
    The use of this method doesn’t require experience or skills. But because compound 1080 is very toxic, LPC applicators must be certified and licensed.

Keeping a nuisance coyote away is not an easy task. But by using wolf or human scents as a deterrent, the best motion-activated sprinklers, and traps you can make coyote control much more successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will lights keep coyotes away?

Coyotes are known to avoid light because they think that it's more dangerous than darkness.

When you have coyotes coming around, install motion-activated sprinkler devices in your yard if coyotes keep coming around, even after making the other changes to your property. The sound of spraying water will trigger the devices and splash these animals off of your property.

Can dogs sense coyotes?

Most likely! They have a much stronger sense of smell than humans, so they should be able to pick up the scents even from far away.

However, if this is happening in your yard or neighborhood then you might want them on guard for any unknown visitors - who knows what those creatures could bring with them 😉

Can coyotes jump fences?

Coyotes can jump fences up to 6 feet high. They can climb over fences and walls by jumping and using their back feet. For fences five feet or higher, you can install a roller bar on top to keep coyotes out.


About the author

Inga Cryton is a pest control expert based in Wichita, Kansas, with a passion for helping others protect their homes. Through, she shares effective and humane pest management strategies for a variety of critters.

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