Don’t know how to prevent flocks of geese crowding your yard? What products to use to scare geese away? Find out the answers to these questions and more.
3 Humane Steps on How To Get Rid of Canadian Geese Fast
Canadian geese may seem attractive until they decide to make your lawn or yard a stopping off spot. Let’s face it, geese are messy and can pollute your yard with droppings. They can be quite destructive, destroying flowerbeds and other delicate plants. Finally, their droppings often carry diseases.
So, how to get rid of Canadian geese in your yard, on your lawn, etc.? Check out the best info and find out how to resolve your geese dilemmas with best-selling and cost-effective products.
Repellent Sprays
Successful control of geese is often challenging. Fortunately, there are non-toxic repellents that you can effectively use to repel those loud birds.
Here are the best Canadian geese deterrents and repellents.
Excellent Bird Control: Sonic Devices
There are many effective sonic repellent devices that you can purchase to deter geese from feeding on your property. We suggest using the Bird-X GooseBuster PRO Goose Repeller.
Scare away Geese with Goosinator
Want to eliminate your goose problem? Drive these loud birds away with Goosinator. This is an orange, remote-controlled robot with a funny shark-tooth nose specifically designed to assail big and noisy geese. The product can move up to 25 miles per hour.
Canada goose can produce 1 to 2 pounds of droppings every day.Cleaning up after the geese in parks costs more than $1,000 a week. By using this orange robot many times in the beginning and putting an imprint into the minds of geese, these birds are less likely to come back. Goosinator is a cost-effective solution that will reduce all the expenses and resolve goose control problems on any property. Why not give it a try?
Where to buy: at
Effectiveness: Goosinator is effective on grass, water, ice, and even snow.
Benefits: The product works much better than a dog, as far as it goes in the water and ice. You can save thousands of dollars on goose problems. You can go outside onto your grass and not have to worry about stepping in goose droppings. Your golf courses and parks will be wonderful, and your customers will be amazed by how well you maintain your property.
How to Kill Geese? Is It Effective?
Some people think that shooting is the best method of dealing with geese. The problem is that only a small number of birds are shot from the whole flock. What’s more, it’s difficult to deal with injured birds as they can be very aggressive and dangerous.
Use more effective ways to crack your Canadian geese problems. These days, there are many human, non-toxic products that work well to scare the geese. Outside of killing the geese which may be illegal in your area, the most efficient way is to use nontoxic repellents.
Canadian Geese Identification and Problems
Distribution: Geese are waterfowl that belong to the Anserini tribe. These large birds live in permanent pairs throughout the year and are monogamous. They are territorial only during the short nesting period. Paired geese are dominant and feed more.
Migration: Canada Geese are large birds that migrate between their usual nesting grounds in Canada to their wintering grounds in the southern regions of the USA. These days, more than 5 million non-migratory Canadian geese reside in the United States and lower Canada. What’s more, they are joined by an additional eleven million migrant geese from Northern Canada each fall.
Sometimes, Canadian geese migrate to Northern Europe. These birds have been introduced to such countries as New Zealand and Britain.
Color Pattern: The birds have a black head with white cheeks, tan breast, black neck, and brown back.
Behavior: Canada Geese feed by grazing in large lawns and fields or dabbling in the water.
Habitat: Just about anywhere – near ponds, lakes, rivers, and in-park lawns, farm fields, and yards.
Problems: While geese are an essential component of our environment and look very beautiful – when they are flying in an almost perfect V formation – they bring significant conflicts to urban areas and can be a HUGE problem when they begin to nest or land in your yard or on your property.
Problems Associated With Geese
Although Canadian birds are magnificent there are hundreds of thousands of geese in the USA and it becomes a real problem.
The problems you may experience are the following:
- Danger of attack – these large birds are aggressive and territorial during nesting season;
- Unsightly mess – you can find their droppings on lawns, fields, in parks;
- Disease risk – geese droppings can carry harmful-to-humans infectious diseases;
- Damage to crops;
- Property devaluation.
Remember, there is no one strategy or solution that can be used every time for goose control problems. Combing the use of several techniques will improve the effectiveness of dealing with wildlife conflicts.
Once, these large, loud birds are established, it becomes difficult to repel them from an area – especially after nesting has begun. We suggest using preventative techniques before the goose problem gets started on your property.
When is a good time to start your goose control program to deter Canada geese from nesting on my work site?