If someone says that it isn’t much you can do about squirrels in your garden or house, he is wrong. There are many ways to go! Of course, some of them are less effective, while others guarantee long-lasting results. If you are sick and tired of being so helpless, learn the options we suggest.
Today you can pick out of several chemical or electronic solutions for squirrel removal. At times some of them should be combined, when you see that the number of pests is great and you can’t cope with them on your own. Read what we suggest. Use simple methods and easy tricks. See how easy it can be.
How to Deter a Troublesome Squirrel Once and for All?
Deterring squirrels has never been a task of one day. The aim is accomplished in time, after several tryings, reapplication of chemicals and patience, of course.
Let’s focus on the easiest ways you could go:
- Predator urine. This is a solution for keeping pests away from your plants. The use of this urine makes them believe there are many predators around. How to use it? Just sprinkle some urine around the flowerbeds. In fact today there are many commercial products that include a urine-based formula. They are easy to spray.
- Coffee grounds. This is another popular option to pick. Critters hate the scent of coffee. Use a thin layer of grounds around your yard and flower beds to keep the pests away. In this case, it is highly important to refresh the layer every two weeks by adding more coffee grounds. If it has rained, you should also refresh the layers.
Collect some hair from the vacuum cleaner and just sprinkle it around the yard and near plants.
- Sensors. These are special sensory deterrents that dissuade pests, offending their sense of taste and smell, as well as exciting the sense of caution and fear.
- Chicken wire. Most gardeners are so willing to protect the plants that they dig out the planting bed and line it with chicken wire, wrapping it up the sides as well as over the bed’s top. Such constructions leave no place for squirrels to go through.
- Trapping. This is a quite popular way among those, who’d like to learn how to control squirrels. If there are pests in the attic, you should block all the holes, leaving only one or two and setting traps near them. When the animals get caught, the traps are to be covered with a dark cloth to reduce stress. Take the cage with the pest at least 5 miles away from your property and release it.
- Aluminum flashing. It’s not a secret that these nasty animals like tree bark. To keep them away from trees wrap a wide aluminum flashing (60 cm) around the tree trunk’s base for preventing them from shredding the bark.
There’s no need to get worried about the need to use nails as its size doesn’t hurt the trunk. Besides, they should be inserted only about 2.5 cm into the tree. Most trees heal the wounds just fine.
TOP Chemical Squirrel Deterrents
Today’s market is ready to offer multiple deterrents to choose from. They are available in the form of sprays and contain biodegradable and non-toxic substances that do not harm these pests, but only keep them away from your place. There are also many repellents in a powder form. As a rule, they include Capsicum pepper extract similar to chili powder, but stronger and more effective.
Besides, there’s also a chance of alerting the neighbors living around.
Sprays and powders are not exceptional options. There are also granules that can be used in flower beds and gardens. Such solutions mainly contain all-natural ingredients like botanical oils, for example, which stop pests from digging up the territory. A beneficial feature is a fact these products keep away many other rodents, including raccoons and opossums.
Critter Ridder. It is available in granule or spray forms and is recognized as a very efficient solution. It works for about; 30 days as taste and odor deterrent. To use Critter Ridder spray it around, forming a perimeter.
- Fire Mix Squirrel Repellent is used when squirrels destroy bird feeders while eating large amounts from them. It is an inexpensive natural option that is easy to use. What’s the expected result? It keeps squirrels away from bird feeders.
- Shake Away/Squirrel B Gone. They include predator urine to keep pests away. These products can be sprinkled, hung around flower beds, or sprayed. Everything depends on their form that you buy.
What if squirrels are munching on your other stuff? You should repel them as well. In this case, you are free to use bitter-tasting sprays and gels like Ro-Pel Squirrel Repellent. However, before using them read the label instructions carefully, as many products are to be reapplied after a certain amount of time or after rain.
TOP Electronic Squirrel Deterrents
As we have already mentioned, squirrels like feeding on bird feeders and ruining them. So what measures should be taken in order to minimize the impact of pests around and on the area?
Here are the most effective squirrel deterrents for bird feeders:
- Creating a gap between the places that squirrels can jump from and feeders.
- Using grease on the pole like Vaseline.
- Using a lubricant: if the birdfeeder in on a pole, use WD-40 and pests won’t climb it.
- Using squirrel-proof bird feeders: they have special cone-shaped covers so that animals won’t slide down the wire in order to reach the food. Besides, there are many types of feeders that spin and throw the pests away.
- Refusing from plastic feeders: most critters chew through them quickly and only metal variants should be placed in your garden.
They have a top, a bottom, a reservoir, a swiveling hanger, and an opening. Besides, it includes a correction circuit for administering electroshock to a pest.
You can also use the guards – baffles. These are angled cones that make climbing really difficult. They are usually produced from plastic and are set a distance away from the feeding area and perches. Some popular models feature a boobie trap mechanism that collapses and the pest’s weight while it is trying to reach food. Such baffles deter squirrels from scaring away birds and eating seeds.
When chemical sprays do not work, you can use electronic repellents. The most popular squirrel deterrents for garden are:
- Electrical wire deterrents.
It is a well-known fact that these nasty creatures like traveling over the wires, which allow jumping onto a roof, getting into the attic, and soon right into the walls of your house. What can you do? Slit a side of a lightweight plastic pipe and spread it open in order to place over the wire. When the pipe is placed and a pest goes over it, the pipe starts spinning, throwing the animal away.
- Ultrasound electronic squirrel repellent.
This is the most environmentally friendly device, which issues a high pitch frequency sound, which causes all pests away. It is beneficial for those, who have problems with several kinds of pests, including squirrels.
The benefit of an ultrasound device is the fact it comes in all sizes. You can buy a small one for minor problems or a bigger one to deal with the real infestation. Make sure there is at least one unit in your garden.
When these pests are in your garden, get ready for multiple squirrels in house, damage, noise, and smell they bring with them. The best way to prevent the problem is to treat it as soon as you notice the first signs of infestation. Use our helpful tips. Combine mechanic, chemical, and electronic options to ensure fast and long-lasting results. Choose the way and start acting right now to cut off all possible risks! Show those squirrels who the boss is!
Use “Ben Gay” on a cotton ball instead of peppermint oil. It’s WAY STRONG ER when keeping mice and squirrels away.
The squirrels were using the cable wire that ran along the side of our house, to get to my tomatoes.
I’d put on latex gloves and smeared Ben Gay as far as I could reach up on the wire and to bottom. I also put a red zip ties on the wire to remind my husband where I put the Ben Gay. I’d also rubber Ben Gay (A foot from the ground) around the bottom of our trash cans. But used mint toothpaste on the lid area. You don’t want Ben Gay where handle the trash can.
Does barking noise deter squirrels, I turn on Alexa guard dog and notice they leave, I can’t leave it on all day. I have left it on while I am at work. My question is when they sleep can they sleep through barking noise?Winter is coming soon and I don’t want squirrels in my fascia. My next step is to cut down all the trees and bushes around my house.
If using electronic deterrent, can I use it in the attic and will the noise bother the dogs? The squirrels are chewing through the wood siding in the peak of the roof.
The mothballs simply can’t do a thing inside a ziplock.
They need to open so the smell can permeate the area. It’s the smell and the chemical that deters the critters.
My concern with squirrels is that they can access into my vehicle’s hood easily and nest on the engine. Since I don’t drive my vehicle btw mon-fri, they have been nesting and chewing the electrical wires costing me quite a bit of dollars. I tried using moth balls in ziplock, with little success; and my mechanic suggested applying fox pheromones. Does anyone has a better idea that’s more permanent solution?
I have 4 dogs who chase squirrels but the don’t stay outside all the time. They are big dogs. Squirrels now taunt them from neighbors yards. They have tried eating their way into the house a second time. They eat my bird seed as well as all the seed I plant. I need help.
Two words.. BB Gun
What chemical would someone use in an attic?
Are the moth balls effective for deter squirrels?
the squirrels that are getting to me are the ones getting under the hoods of my trucks and cars ,seeds everywhere and on the can wires chewed . what can I use to stop the from going there
paul i hate to disagree! i have dogs who bark and chase squirrels
Gina it will hurt your dog ear. That said if your have dog ears just wait for the squirrel and bark. This will deter the squirrel from your property.
Good Evening,
Would this item (ultrasound electronic squirrel repellent) hurt my dog ear?