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How to Get Rid of Beavers

how to get rid of beavers

Are you still worrying about hungry, destructive beavers lurking on your property? It’s time to embark on a beaver control plan. We share how to get rid of beavers humanely.

Beavers can easily transform any freshwater environment – lake or pond – into a suitable habitat. The best way to stop beavers from doing this is with an integrated control plan that includes repelling, trapping, habitat modification, and removal. No matter how big your beaver problem is, our step-by-step tips and instructions will help you to make your property beaver-free.


5 Steps Ultimate Guide on How to Get Rid of Beavers on Your Property

Beavers are one of the most destructive animals in the world. And yet there is a way on how to get rid of beavers without killing them. Some people think that beavers are cute and cuddly animals, but in reality, they can be very destructive to property.

Beavers build dams on waterways and this prevents water from flowing downstream which causes problems for the ecosystem because it affects other living things too.

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of beavers without harming them, there are 5 steps that you can take which will eliminate beavers from your property for good. This will make sure that they don't come back to your property again!

  1. STEP 1. Create a perimeter around your home using wire fencing or electric fencing
    Step 1: STEP 1. Create a perimeter around your home using wire fencing or electric fencingA perimeter around your home using wire fencing or electric fencing is one of the most important steps in how to eliminate beavers.

    Your fence should be at least 100 feet from your house. It should also be high enough that a grown man cannot reach over it without standing on something.

    It is also important for gates to be metal, not wood. Wood can be chewed through by animals.

    If you have an underground sprinkler system, take care to cover all the wires leading up to where they connect with the house or other buildings. Beavers love chewing on anything rubber-like, so if you have any garden hoses or water pipes just outside your house, keep them buried as much as possible so beavers can’t get to them.
    • The fence should be at least 100 feet from your house.
    • It should also be high enough that a grown man cannot reach over it without standing on something.
    • Your fence should either be wire or electric.
  2. STEP 2. Get rid of any water sources near your property
    Step 2: STEP 2. Get rid of any water sources near your propertyWater is very important to beavers because it is where they build their homes and raise their families. But there are ways to prevent this by getting rid of any potential sources close by.

    Any ponds or streams that collect water should be filled in completely with dirt. If you live near a stream that feeds into a larger body of water like a river or lake, try building an obstruction (like rocks) along the edge. So they won’t be able to swim up the stream anymore.

    Beavers aren’t very good swimmers anyway, so blocking off the stream can prevent them from getting to your property.
  3. STEP 3. Get rid of their food supply
    Step 3: STEP 3. Get rid of their food supplyIf you’re able to cut off access to the beavers’ food and shelter, this should decrease the number of them that come around.

    Beavers eat bark and other tree parts so it might be difficult. But if you have any fruit or nut trees on your property, try protecting them as best as possible.

    • Bury pieces of metal wire fencing around the trunks of the trees with just enough sticking up out of the ground so they can't pull it away with their teeth.
    • It's helpful if you plant thorny plants next to valuable trees. If the beavers try to get close, it will make them uncomfortable.
  4. STEP 4. Change the flow of water in your area
    Step 4: STEP 4. Change the flow of water in your areaChanging the flow of water may not eliminate beavers, but it should make them less interested in your property.

    Beavers feel at home when they’re surrounded by lots of water. So look for ways to do this if they’ve already put up an active dam on nearby waterways.

    You can fix this problem by building structures like rocks and logs that will get in the way of water flowing from their dam to your property. This will make it hard for them to get through and they will need to repair it.

    If you live near a river or lake that feeds into a stream that leads to your house, you should try building an obstruction so the water changes course and goes around your property instead.
  5. STEP 5. Trap and relocate beavers or hire a wildlife removal service company to do it for you
    Step 5: STEP 5. Trap and relocate beavers or hire a wildlife removal service company to do it for youTrapping and relocating beavers is one of the best ways to get rid of them if you are unable to follow any other steps. It may not be the most humane way but it's effective.

    Traps can also be used in conjunction with these other methods for maximum effectiveness, or traps can be set up near your property to keep the population at bay. The key is persistence over time which will make sure that they stay away from your property indefinitely.

    There are 5 working tips on how to trap a beaver:

    • Traps should be set in the direction of a river and close enough to the bank that animals can swim in, but not so close that they can hop out.
    • Place traps in areas where there is less mud and more open water.
    • Set your traps near trees or logs for better footing.
    • Beavers often travel at night or during bad weather, so you may need to wait before capturing them.
    • Beavers are very good swimmers even when trapped, so use large nets made of steel mesh to catch them.

    Repellants can be used as well. There are various types of repellants you can use to shoo away beavers, but many have mixed reviews.

    If you go this route though, it’s important to remember that just because one product may not work for you doesn't mean another won't!

    If this sounds intimidating and you don't want to use traps and repellents, don’t worry! Many pest control companies have the right tools to get rid of beavers for good. Hire a wildlife removal service company. This will ensure that they are taken care of properly while giving you some peace of mind too!

    You can contact a pest control service to deal with any beavers that have invaded your property in search of shelter and food sources. They know how to determine if there are any already living there without you spotting them so it may take some time before they come back out.

    Once they’ve determined where the entrances are though, their professionals will seal off all paths so the animals have no way to get inside. They’ll also put the word out to other beavers in your area that this property isn't a safe place for them anymore!

Effective Beaver Control and Removal

Since beavers’ teeth never stop growing, these nocturnal pests spend most of their time chewing trees – which may be on your property. They like to feed on leaves, bark, and twigs. So, how to control these nocturnal animals?

Here is how:

Beaver Trapping

Trapping is an efficient and non-lethal way to remove beaver pests. If you want to remove these pests, beaver trapping is the best solution. Find out where the beaver pathway – the path the beaver frequents – is. Then cover the bottom of the trap with some natural vegetation material. You can also use wood chips and dirt for covering. Make certain that you are using the most effective beaver bait – like Poplar Oil.

Beavers are nocturnal critters. So the best time to set the trap is in the evening.

Beaver trapping tips

Fencing Solution

Fencing solution for beavers protectWant to exclude nasty beavers entirely from groves, forest and other areas? Then fencing is a good solution. As far as these critters are not good climbers, 3 to 4 ft. high fencing will be an effective way to block beavers’ access to larger groves. Instead of fencing off individual trees, we suggest installing an area fence. Although fencing is cost-prohibitive, it can be very effective in keeping destructive beavers out.

What to choose:

  • Electric fencing.
  • Wire-mesh fencing.

To make sure the beavers have not pushed under fences, you are to check them frequently.

Beavers have sharp and strong teeth. When it comes to trees, these critters have favorite tree species that include aspen, alder, cherry, birch, poplar, and cottonwood.
Beavers’ preferred ones are poplar and cottonwood.

Wrap Trees

Wrap trees and save itsIf you want to make your beaver control successful, you need to make the habitat less suitable for these critters. Wrap trees, which they use as a building material. The beavers won’t be able to cut the trees down. This can encourage them to move on to another location.

Wrapping the trunk of trees will not only protect the trees from chewing but also decrease the beaver food supply. Keep in mind, the more trees – that are on your property – are protected, the sooner destructive beavers will relocate.

Top 5 Best Beaver Repellent Products

If you have got more beaver problems besides foliage destruction and tree damage from destructive local critters, simple deterrents won’t do the job. When beaver starts clogging culverts, building dams, and causing water issues, you need to trap these critters out to get control.

A beaver can sit up on land with the help of its flat tail.

Although these critters are very important for the environment, it’s essential to keep control over them especially when they take damage to your property.

Many tricks have been devised over the years to deter beavers from damaging trees but few worked. Want to keep them out of your garden? We suggest using the following 5 efficient beaver repellents:

1. Nature’s Defense – Best Organic Granular Repellent

Nature’s Defense is an environmentally safe, plant safe, family safe organic granular animal repellent that creates an irritating scent barrier unpleasant to unwanted beavers.

When applied correctly in areas where you are experiencing beaver problems, this product will deter these pesky animals without the need for harmful chemicals.

It is made of 100% organic ingredients so it won’t hurt your lawn or produce an overpowering smell like other products on the market. Plus there are no messy liquids so it may be more convenient than what you’re using now!

How to Use

Sprinkle the product around areas where beaver pests cause problems. Repeat the process once a week. Recommended for use outdoors.

Top Benefits of Nature’s Defense

There are many benefits to using Nature’s Defense Organic Repellent for Beavers. But one of the most important is that it is safe for children and pets.

This pesticide is 100% natural, non-toxic, chemical-free repellent which means it does not pose any risk to your loved ones. If you have young kids or pets in the household then this product will be perfect for you!

The second benefit of using this product over other pesticides like poison or gas traps is that it can be applied virtually anywhere without causing harm to people or animals nearby. As long as you don’t spray too close to where they live, there should be no side effects caused by this organic repellant. It also leaves a pleasant smell that will not irritate your nose or cause an allergic reaction.

  • These pesticides are safe for children and pets

  • It is 100% natural, non-toxic, chemical-free repellent

Nature’s Defense Pros and Cons

  • You can use it on both non-food and food plants.
  • The solution will not harm your pet if they come in contact with the treated area.
  • Some find it takes a lot of applications to get the desired effect.
  • It is difficult to apply it to a large area quickly without wasting a lot of the product.

2. Bonide Repels-All – Best Natural Beaver Repellent

Bonide Repels-All is an effective repellant at keeping beavers off of your property. This is not an animal-friendly product so use it sparingly and ask for help when needed to ensure the safety of all animals within the scope of treatment.

The granules cannot harm plants or desirable flora if used as directed, but they will work against any rodents that you may encounter on your property. You can sprinkle these granules around buildings, homes, sheds, barns, gardens, trash cans (and other favorable locations) in order to deter beavers without harming them. The key with this type of strategy is persistence to make sure they don’t come back after spraying one perimeter; follow up treatment regularly to ensure it works.

Beavers are smart animals that know when they’re being hunted so the biggest thing to remember here is persistence. Don’t give up if one method doesn’t work, just try another until you find something that does work!

This efficient solution repels in 3 effective ways: by taste, sense of touch, and smell. The product protects property including structures. Bonide triggers the beaver’s instinct to escape and avoid the treated area.

Top Benefits of Bonide Repels-All

The top benefit of Bonide Repels-All is that it can be applied to gardens and desirable plants without harming them.

The chemicals in this product are designed to repel animals like beavers, squirrels, deer, rabbits, and chipmunks.

It’s important to note that the chemical makeup of the ingredients doesn’t harm humans or any other animal for that matter. This makes it an excellent solution for anyone who wants to protect their garden from these destructive animals but doesn’t want harsh chemicals near their flowers or vegetables.

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of these pesky critters without sacrificing your beautiful flowerbeds then this might just be what you need!

This product is safe around young children (if used according to the directions) and it has no smell, so you won’t have to worry about your yard stinking or giving you headaches. It also doesn’t leave behind any residue if it’s applied properly, meaning you won’t have to maneuver around certain areas of your home where you don’t want chemicals near.

One application is all that’s needed for this product because animals are smart enough to avoid an area once they catch a whiff of this chemical that was applied previously.

If any animals come looking for food in your garden after applying Bonide Repels-All then they will be discouraged by the chemical scent, leaving your flowers free from harm!

Bonide Repels-All can protect small areas like flowerbeds or larger areas like your entire backyard. It’s affordable and will last a while, so you won’t have to worry about restocking it anytime soon!

  1. Repels animals like beavers, squirrels, deer, rabbits, and chipmunks.
  2. Can be applied to gardens and desirable plants (i.e: flowers) without harming them.
  3. Coat around your home or other structures to make sure no animals get in.

Pros and Cons

  • Keeps beavers out of your garden.
  • Works on a variety of animals.
  • Doesn’t cause any harm if ingested.
  • Can only be used outdoors.
  • Not suitable for large areas.
  • Can only be used outdoors.
  • Last up to 2 months.

3. JT Eaton 4-the Birds Repellent

4-the Birds is an effective solution that can stop beavers from chewing on trees. Although it is made for bird control, the solution can be effectively sprayed on the trees.

It will surely stop beavers from damaging your trees. Once applied, the destructive beaver will move to another area where untreated trees are available.

Safety: 4-the Birds won’t hurt beavers or the tree since it’s not a poison. This irritable product will simply repel the beaver from chewing the bark.

Removing beavers from a pond is challenging.
If you are not an expert, hire a professional removal service. Beaver removal experts have licenses and can not only successfully trap annoying beavers but move them off of the premises for euthanasia or relocation.

4. BeaverRepel

BeaverRepel repellent

Natural, organic beaver repellent that can make away with all beavers on your property. No need to risk kids’ and pets’ health with toxic products. Now you can protect your property with an earth-friendly beaver control solution.

How to apply: The product comes in special, concentrated bottles. Mix the solution with water and apply using a garden sprayer.

Where to use: anywhere in or around your yard – including docks, trees, etc.


  • Beavers will not cross this powerful beaver repellent barrier.

  • The product is natural and powerful

5. Ro-Pel Animal and Rodent Repellent

Ro-Pel Animal RepellentRo-Pel Repellent is an effective solution of preventing foliage destruction from beavers and other rodents and mammals. The product awful bitter taste that remains effective despite rain.

Losing your beloved trees or watching your property degrade is not a pleasant thing. But you don’t have to let it happen. Use Ro-Pel which is a quick and safe way to ward off all nasty beavers.

Ro-Pel active ingredient is a compound called denatonium saccharide which gives the product a pungent taste that deters animals from coming back for more. If you have used this product outdoors around fruit-bearing crops it may affect the taste of your edible plants so please take caution when using it during those times of the year.

The product is ready to use but you shouldn’t mix it with other chemicals.

Ro-Pel Repellent Pros and Cons

  • Ro-Pel is a good product for getting rid of beavers.
  • It’s inexpensive and easy to use.
  • The repellent is safe for pets and wildlife when used as directed.
  • You don’t need to kill the animal unlike other methods like trapping or shooting.
  • Ro-Pel Animal and Rodent Repellent is not safe for use around water. It can be harmful to fish and other aquatic wildlife if accidentally sprayed into streams or near ponds.
  • The product has a citrus smell which may attract the animal in some situations like sewage pipes.

Don’t use chemically formulated, dangerous poisons to solve your beaver problem. Use our smart ideas and control nasty beavers by trapping or repellent solutions.

While trapping can cost hundreds of dollars natural repellents and deterrents are available and can effectively crack any pest problem.

Questions & Answers

What time of day are beavers most active?

Beavers are also most active at night or during bad weather. They can typically be spotted in the evening hours, around dusk once it starts to get dark. Beavers want to make sure they can do their work undisturbed, so this is when they'll do the majority of what needs to be done.

Are beavers destructive?
  • Beavers are not vicious animals they are inoffensive, but their dams can wreak havoc on your property.
  • Beavers do not want to harm people unless the person is in the way of them upgrading their home.
  • They don't have any intentions to hurt anyone, but recently beaver sightings have been frequent in communities that are close to rivers or wetland areas where these animals thrive.

Along with this threat is the damage that these creatures cause when building a lodge or dam for themselves near your home. You may see flooding around your house, pools forming in places you didn't expect water, and erosion of your land if they breach through it all which can become irreparable if left unchecked too long

All beavers need is a source of freshwater close to their food source, so it's important to get rid of them soon before something happens.

This is where homeowners set traps for beavers to get rid of them once and for all.

How do you keep beavers from building dams?

There are a few repellants that you can use to shoo away beavers. If that doesn't work, it's best to hire wildlife removal professionals from a pest control company. They have the tools to get rid of beavers permanently and the knowledge on how to keep them away from your property for good too!

How to kill a beaver?

Beavers are animals that cannot be killed with physical force. If you have a problem with them, have them humanely removed by the company of your choice. Companies will locate where they live and remove all entrances so they can’t return or spread their annoyance anywhere else.