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How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees

how to get rid of carpenter bees

Do carpenter bees attack the wooden structure of your home? Don’t waste your time. Start acting now.

If you’ve noticed one carpenter bee present on your property, then there are great chances to see many more behind the scene. Do you know that they are drilling in the wood on your property to lay eggs?

What does it mean? It means your house is in great danger. If you leave this problem untreated, the structure of your building can be completely destroyed by carpenter bees infestation.

However, with special tips and great professional products you can always improve the situation. Embrace the new carpenter bees control solution with these useful informative tips you need to read right now!

2 Simple Ways for killing carpenter bees in a very fast way

How to exterminate and kill carpenter bees in a fast way is not a simple question for most carpenter bee sufferers.

  1. First of all, you should focus on their prevention.
  2. Secondly, apply useful pest control products.

Learn how to do it.


Prevent the carpenter bee problem entirely and avoid big infestations with 3 simple rules:

  1. Fill cracks and holesIs your wood hard and treated? If the answer is positive, then there is no need to worry. Remember, carpenter bees prefer untreated soft wood. Having the right maple or oak wood will protect you from those unpleasant pests.
  2. If you paint the wood, you will not have to deal with unpleasant carpenter bees. Unfinished, weathered or stained wood usually attracts carpenters. Paint these surfaces and fill cracks and holes with putty or caulk before painting. With this natural approach, you can take care of the carpenter bee problem without insecticides.
    Carpenter Bees usually reuse holes from the preceding season so the holes must be caulked in the fall.
  3. Fill the holes, crevices and cracks in wood to prevent bees from making their homes in it.
As far as male carpenter bees defend their nests, they can be aggressive. However, they have no stingers.
Only females have them and may sting a person on a rare occasion.

Knock them down

There are many professional products specially designed for carpenter bee extermination. Purchase carpenter bee kit that contains everything any homeowner needs to keep these insects away:

  • Contaminate the nests and kill the bees by putting Delta Dust in the bee holes.
  • Did you notice carpenter bees drilling new holes? Then discourage them from doing it by spraying the exterior wood with effective Tengard SFR product. To keep the chemical effect of this product working, spray the outside of the construction once a month.

Information on carpenter bee repellents

Low toxic repellent Outlast NBS 30 Additive to control carpenter bees infestationsIf you don’t want to make away with carpenter bees, consider natural carpenter bee repellents to control the infestations.

You can use Outlast NBS 30 Additive that is derived from plant oils. With this low toxic repellent, you will effectively keep and repeal carpenter bees from burrowing into a wood.

Make your own repellent

Carpenter bees really don’t like citronella and several oils. You can make natural, working carpenter bee repellent at home and carpenter bees will surely leave you alone.

Mix a little of lavender oil, citronella oil, jojoba, and tea tree oils. Pour this mixture into a sprinkler and spray those areas of the house or garden where you need to exterminate carpenter bees.

Purchase natural insect repellents

If you don’t have time for making your own repellent, purchase herbal insect repellent that can be found at most organic gardening stores and centers. Before using the repellent read the instruction to make sure it is safe to use around insects’ hives.

Sometimes it is difficult to see holes if the carpenter bees are along the roof line. In this case, you can apply the spray to those surfaces where carpenter bees frequently stay.
When they will rest on these surfaces they will for sure come into contact with the insecticide.

Carpenter bee spray tips

Are you longing for a good and efficient product to maintain the safety of your property? Using professionally proven and scientifically designed sprays to eliminate carpenter bees is the right solution.

Purchase special aerosol sprays for killing the bees. Get close to the bee and spray it with this aerosol.

Log cabins and structures with natural wood siding give the odor which attracts carpenter bees every season.

Many homeowners want to know what spray kills carpenter bees.

Below there are some efficient sprays that will surely help:

  • Stingray Wasp and Hornet Jet Spray. With this fast-acting formulation, you will for sure knock down all the carpenter bees. This powerful contact insecticide features 2 active pyrethroid ingredients that can kill the insects in seconds. Shake the spray well before using and spray directly to carpenter bees. The treatment should be done at an early hour or during the late evening
  • FenvaStar EcoCap. Spray this concentrate on the surface that won’t be stained by water. The product should be applied as a crack and crevice spray or surface, spot treatments used in and around any type of structures.
  • Wasp spray. Spray the holes of where the carpenter bees are flying in and out. Then immediately caulk the holes. Night is the best time for doing this.

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Residual liquid treatments to spray

It's recommended to spray two times in spring at intervals of four weeksCyper WP, FenvaStarCap and LambdaStar 9.7 CS are great control products that should be sprayed in the areas where these pests are boring in wood. It is recommended to spray two times in spring at intervals of four weeks.

Make sure to read and take all the precautions when using these liquid treatment products.

If you have a severe infestation of carpenter bees, the treatment should be repeated more than twice. An interval of 2 weeks is suggested.
After spray treatment, you need to apply Tempo Dust or powerful D-Fence Dust to any and all possible carpenter bee entry points or holes.

If you want to stop destructive carpenter bees from boring new nests on your property, you can use Cypermethrin.

Mix the product at the rate of one ounce per gallon and sprinkle the mixture to those wooden surfaces where these bees are willing to bore to create a nest. With this application, you can effectively treat log cabins and cedar homes.

Apply the product every 2 weeks or once a month in spring when these destructive pests are more active.

Remember, when treating by spraying you need to:

  • Get good coverage and treat all of the areas of your property. Keep in mind, carpenter bees can avoid the treated areas and move to those ones which are not sprayed and protected.
  • Treat and seal all the old holes releasing smells and odors that can attract new pests.
  • Add some effective repellent to your paint for long lasting carpenter bee repellency.

Treating for these destructive pests can be puzzling but by taking the needed steps you can always lower the risk of carpenter bee infestation.

Seal old holes, keep the house freshly painted, use efficient sprays and natural repellents and make the process of pest elimination easy and effective.